



Glen R. Jones, Alvin Toffler, Heidi Toffler, Glenn R. Jones



Cyberschools: An Education Renaissance


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Editorial Reviews

Book News, Inc.
Describes the emergence and advantages of distance education, and suggests that computer, cable, and satellite technology offer the best solution for the increasing demands and diminishing financial resources of higher education on a global scale. -- Copyright © 1999 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR All rights reserved --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Excellent introduction to distance learning, January 11, 2002 - Reviewer: Laura Zieger from Lincoln Park, NJ USA

"The principal characteristic of the knowledge revolution is that it allows us to dramatically extend the human mind by introducing a new model of learning" (p. xx). Thus begins Jones' call to entrepreneurs and educators to seize the opportunity of the Education Renaissance. In his 1997-revised book, Cyberschools, Jones provides an informative history of the distance learning movement, from its roots in correspondence courses to its current foundations in technology. He describes the role played by commercial television and the resulting passage of the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967 to advance educational television.

Jones' critical premise is that "earning a living in post-industrial, knowledge age society will require lifelong learning, training, and retraining at every level. For the vast majority, interrupting work life to study in a traditional university setting is out of the question" (p. 45). Virtual classrooms and libraries of the twenty-first century are described with visions of learning in cyberspace from around the world. Jones also speaks to the issue of the credibility of distance learning and offers solutions through accreditation agencies. Finally, Jones discusses his management process of a public/private partnership for the electronic delivery of education.

The biggest shortcoming of the book is its publication date, including ten-year-old statistics from 1992 with projections for 2000. However, Jones' theories and analysis are upheld and make Cyberschools an informative introduction for those interested or involved in distance learning. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.





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