

"Affirmation Course" - Lesson #3

Hello - Fellow Success Seeker,

Greetings again. This is Jeff with another issue of "The Affirmation
Course"! Last time we talked about the affirmation practice, and we
showed you a two column technique that was designed to clear out
blockages you may have towards manifesting your affirmation.

This issue includes...

1. "Getting The Most Out of Your Affirmations"
2. "Affirmation with a Partner"
3. "Creating A Life Of Material And Spiritual Abundance"
4. "Sample Affirmations"
5. "Visualization"
6. "Guide To Meditation - Effective Affirmations"
7. "FREE Audio Program"

If you are like me, you probably want to accelerate the process of
going from wherever you are now, to where you desire to be. Well,
visualization is a great technique that can greatly improve your

When I was first introduced to these ideas, I wasn't content to wait
for the ship to come in..... I swam out to meet it and then discovered
I was the Captain of the ship I'd been waiting for all those years!


When composing your affirmations include your own name in the first,
and second person, i.e.

· I, Jeff am happy and blissful just being alive
· Jeff, you look happy and blissful just being alive


A delightful way of doing affirmations is to practice with a partner.
Take turns affirming to each other. It is okay to get a little
carried away, giving your partner a round of applause now and
again, saying, "Yes, yes, you can do it!"

By presenting the affirmation in an original and sometimes humorous
form, the subconscious files the event as a unique occurrence. It is
best not to over do this. You don't want it to be predictable.

The Practice:
Sit opposite each other. Straight back chairs are ideal. Then take turns
in affirming to each other. This practice is simple yet extremely powerful.

You might like to try repeating your partner's affirmation in a lyrical,
monotone, hypnotic style. The idea is to lull your partner into a relaxed

Having a new-age relaxing piece of music in the background will help in
achieving this state Baroque music is highly also recommended.
To practice this technique by yourself, you may record your
affirmation on tape and play them back.

The power of the spoken word -It has impact.
I remember playing snooker with a friend, he was really quite good,
and occasional boasted as to his ability. To make light of his
obvious advantage over me I occasionally broke into song, "Robert's
my hero, Robert's my hero", at the time it was all I could do to
make light of the situation.

Anyway, this friend happened to be a graphic artist, and loved playing
around with PhotoShop, a graphical imaging software package.

I was visiting him one day when he was showing me some of his work.
He had created this promotional piece featuring himself (no surprise
to me) with the caption, you guessed it, "Robert's my hero".

By the way, there would have been about eight years between these
two incidents. This clearly demonstrates the effect the spoken has
over others.


When thinking about abundance, what do you think?
How do you feel about abundance?

If you are thinking, "It's hard", or "I just don't feel abundant," or
similar, you are working against the principles of abundance.

The principles of abundance are the highest thought forms you can hold.
You are literally saying, "Okay universe you do your stuff, I will be
open and allow you to work through me." Granted, this requires a certain
amount of surrender in the beginning, but if you will stick with it
your trust will increase.

Abundant Principle Affirmation:
"I now let go and let the universe work through me"
"I now surrender my financial affairs to God", (or other spiritual power)

Substitute "financial affairs" for any area you would like to work with.

At those times when you are feeling abundant you will feel a oneness
with your environment. You will feel open and energized. When you tune
into abundance you are placing yourself in accordance with universal

Being abundant is your birthright. It is a lot easier to succeed than
it is to fail, you have to work hard to fail, whereas to succeed you
only have to let go. If you knew how much energy you invest in creating
failure you would drop it in an instant.

Be like nature. It is not always right to take action, sometimes we rest,
sometimes we shine and sometimes we do take action. It's just a matter
of taking action when it feels right. When the time is right you will
feel compelled to take the appropriate action to bring about your desired

Abundant Principle Affirmation
"I listen to and take action when it feels right."

When you resist abundance you are going against your natural state.
For example, resisting a desire to become an artist or make that
phone call, or follow a childhood dream are all ways in which you
resist, you are literally cutting off your energy flow.

What can you learn from these abundant principles? You can learn to
follow through on those activities that you love and give you a feeling
of being open and energized. Just remember doing what you love will
open up your energy and opening up your energy will allow abundance
to come into your life.

Abundant Principle Affirmations:
"I am an open channel receiving the abundant energy of a loving universe."
"I do what I love, the universe amply supplies me."

The above affirmations will get you started in creating a consciousness
of abundance.

Whether you are thinking about prosperity, health issues or relationships,
you can open yourself up to having more simply by choosing where to
focus your attention.

Use the principle of gratitude to focus on the good that is already
happening in your life.

Affirm thanks to family and friends.
Affirm thanks for your health, eyesight, and your feeling nature.
Affirm thanks for the food you eat, your digestive system, the
clothes you wear and the environment where you live.
Affirm thanks to the transport systems, your car, your shoes, and
your feet.

See how many things you can be grateful for today. This is a wonderful
exercise and very powerful. Be mindful of what is happening here. What
you focus on expands.

This simple exercise will also open up your expectancy for your greater
good. You are literally saying to the universe, I focus on what is good
in my life, I expect the best and I am open to receive it.

Abundant Affirmation:
"I now focus on what is good and working in my life, I expect the best"

Just as these abundance principles can work for you, if you think about
what you don't want they can also work against you, by creating
undesirable results.

This is why you have to be mindful of what you are thinking. Don't beat
yourself up if you notice yourself thinking negatively.

First, you need to acknowledge your thoughts, negative, positive
and neutral.

We need to get rid of the notion that we have good and bad emotions.
Emotions just are. The problem lays in getting into habitual thinking
patterns where we judge, compare, and evaluate ourselves against

From year one, as newborn babies, most of us were taught that we were
not OK. As time goes on we create a persona to present to the world
that everything is fine, but this is wrapped around our false "Not OK"
self, the ego.

To help support this illusion we are constantly judging ourselves and
others to see if our persona is firmly in place. For some it appears
to be stable on the outside, but trying to maintain this feeling of
OK is both unnatural and takes an enormous amount of energy.

Under your persona, under that "I am not OK", you are perfect, that
is your real self, that is the self we want to operate from when we
talk about abundance.

Get past habitual negativity and ego judgments. This is just the
false self trying to make sense of it all. It wants to be in control
of a structure that it is incapable of understanding.

We can still acknowledge this negative self-talk, but we don't have to
buy into It. See it for what it is, put light on it, love it and
understand it.

Be as a loving parent. Dialog with your negativity as follows:

"Come along this way my love, this is best, a nicer way, remember that
time when we laughed and laughed, that was so much fun. I am with you
my love; you are cared for, I will look after you. You don't have to
be super man/super woman, it is OK to be you."

Work with love and you will! Go higher.

We don't want to deny our negativity, we want to befriend it, be
there for it and show it a better way.

When you can come from your true self, negativity simple does not exist.
Your vibration is such that you have transcended the dense matter and
love is the prevailing energy.

I am reminded of the Eagles song "Hotel California", were they sing
"this can be heaven or this can be hell".

Hell is of a dense vibration and will produce negative thoughts, Heaven
is of a high vibration and will produce positive loving thoughts.

You really do have a choice, start with an intention, a desire, help
will come. "Seek and you shall find". Decide today to have more control
over your thinking, and your vibration. You are in control of your
thinking. With positive intention you can raise your vibration.

Check in on your thinking during the day. Be an observer. You might
want to create a journal and document the type of thoughts you have.
Check in hourly and ask yourself "what am I thinking"? How am I
feeling? Do not judge, just observe and dialog.

You might like to ask yourself, "Is this what I want to think? Is
this what I want to produce in my life?" If not, change you're
thinking. No judging, just acknowledge your thoughts, dialog and
choose weather this is your preferred thinking. Raise your vibration,
go higher and you will not be experiencing these dense energies
associated with negativity.

In closing, one thing that I often forget and it is so terribly important
is, to "ASK".

So many times I have been less than positive, I endured, I put up
with, then I remember, "ASK", I then simple repeat the following.

"All I have to do to be one with my higher self is to think of my
higher self and request that the connection be strengthened."

I then repeat:
"I am now thinking of my higher self and desire that the connection be
strengthened, I ask this in faith knowing that it is so."

I repeat this affirmation about 6 times, go on my way and a couple of
minutes later I catch myself thinking how wonderful life is.

For me this affirmation works every time, but how often do I forget?
I'm getting better (smile).

Have a wonderful day. How are you feeling? If you connected with the
place were this information came from you should be feeling uplifted
and energized. Stop now and simple "ASK".

Then wait a few minutes, you will KNOW this works. You are loved. You
are not alone. NEVER. The ego dose not understand this. It can't.

It all begins by taking the first step...


Today's affirmation category is
Affirmations for Abundance:

· I always succeed.
· Everything I touch turns to riches.
· I am always productive.
· I respect my abilities, I have creative insight.
· I am constantly adding to my income.
· I always spend money wisely.
· The universe is looking after me.
· A always have enough money for all my needs.
· I am rewarded for all the work I do.


By visualizing your goal your subconscious mind will work for you,
behind the scenes, to encourage the manifestation of situations
which will ultimately enable your goals to come true. A process of
achieving your goals through the application of positive mental
images will empower you to create a reality from your desires.

Each of us has five senses. We can use these senses to work for us
in reaching our desired goals. By combining the elements of sight,
smell, sound, taste and touch to visualize our objective it becomes
real to our imagination and in so doing becomes embedded in our
subconscious as a part of our reality.

Imagine your Goal:
As an example; if you desire to own a yacht and cruise the islands;
concentrate and tune in your senses. Feel the motion of the yacht
beneath you, as you smell the sea air, hearing the flap of the sails
and the calls of sea gulls from the tropical beach you see just ahead.
Taste the salt spray on your face as you enjoy the pleasure of your

The subconscious mind, being non-critical, will believe your
visualization as being real. We can use this faculty to consciously
select images, which we give to our subconscious.

Conversely, as we meditate on our affirmations, the subconscious mind
will raise to our awareness images and sensations of our successes.
This is a clear indication that the affirmation/image has been excepted
by our subconscious mind.

> Aid To Visualization <
An excellent visualization technique is to employee the aid of posters,
fine artwork and photos, (link included below). Just browsing images
that depict what you desire to have happen in your life is a great tool
for conveying to the subconscious mind your desires.

You don't have to purchase any of these items, although the advantages
of having some special and meaningful art images around the home would
be beneficial. What I am suggesting is that you play around at browsing
these archives. Pay attention to how you feel after just 5 minutes of
browsing, I suspect your spirits would have lifted considerable.

After you have finished your browsing session, you might like to try
recalling your favorite pieces, have fun with this as it can greatly
improve you visualization skills. This practice will have a powerful
uplifting effect on your being. Don't take my word for it, try it out.

We included the following link for you to browse the Internet's
largest collection of posters, fine art and photo images. Visit
their web site at:

A few of my favorites pieces are:

Meditative Rose (For Meditation),
Salvador Dali

The Kiss (For Relationships),
Gustav Klimt

Le Violiniste Bleu (For Musical Interests)
Marc Chagall

Angel (For Spiritually)
Carol Robinson


Through the use of meditation techniques your mind will become more
receptive to the underlying messages contained within your
affirmations. As you relax both your mind and body you become more
responsive to the mental stimuli programmed within your affirmations
and less conscious and critical of information as it filters down
to your subconscious where it resides and becomes your reality.

It is recommended that prior to your affirmation sessions you spend
several minutes relaxing to clear your mind. Follow these three quick
steps and the benefits of your affirmations will improve greatly.

Step 1.
Sit in a comfortable chair with your back straight, feet flat on the
floor, hands resting lightly on your lap, and your eyes closed.

Step 2.
Concentrate on relaxing your body. A good technique for this is to
send a relaxing message firstly to your feet; and work your way up
through your calves, thighs, stomach, chest, shoulders, neck, arms,
hands, etc. until you can feel each part of your body totally relaxed
and comfortable. As you relax concentrate on you're breathing, taking
several deep, calming breaths. Each time you slowly exhale feel
yourself becoming more and more relaxed.

Step 3.
Now as you concentrate; count slowly to yourself from ten to one.
Keep relaxing as you count downwards, relaxing more and more on each
descending number. Spend around 10 to 15 minutes practicing this
meditation technique prior to your affirmation session. With time
you'll find yourself being in a totally relaxed, receptive state
in a matter of minutes.

> Helpful Resource <
As you may know, I'm always looking for tools that can help you
(and me) improve the quality of life. Well, I'm writing today to
encourage you to check out an *extremely* valuable resource.

It's not for everyone, but if you resonate with the approach and
apply it, it can help you to produce some amazing results.

If you're interested in:

-> Dramatically accelerating your mental, emotional,
 and spiritual growth

-> Experiencing states of extremely deep meditation --
 receiving all the benefits of a long-term meditation
 practice (but at a greatly accelerated pace)

-> Naturally stimulating the production of several
 key "bio-markers" related to longevity, anti-aging,
 and well-being

-> Finally getting to the bottom of (and healing)
 emotional traumas and self-imposed limitations

-> Becoming someone who easily and naturally deals with
 life's ups and downs, while remaining more peacefully
 calm and centered

... You'll absolutely want to check out this resource,
or take another look if you considered it before.

The program is backed by a ton of scientific evidence --
and the experience of over 35,000 people in 58 countries.

I have used it myself and highly suggest you give this program
a try. Plus, Centerpointe GUARANTEES their program will work for

I don't recommend programs lightly and I don't do it very often,
but I'm convinced this is something well worth looking into.

To find out more, and to receive a FREE demonstration cassette and
a FREE special report, just click here:
Visit their web site at:

#7 FREE Audio Program
One of the free bonuses we give away when you purchase Sculptor is
the eBook "Science of Getting Rich" by W. D. Wattles, plus we also
include the 2 hour audio version of this eBook.

This is such an amazing program and relevant to what we are
learning here that I wanted you to experience a sampling of this
work. So I am including chapter's 5,6,7 and 8 for you to listen to.
Use the following link to download the audio file onto your computer.
Running time 32 minutes.

The "Science of Getting Rich" audio version is in wav format. If
you do not have a wav player, you can download the WinAmp player
from the following URL:

For more details of this audio program, and our other FREE bonuses
Go to:

AffirmWare - Sculptor Affirmation software

Start creating the life you were meant to have.

See you next time,
Bye for now,
Copyright © 2002 by

Written by Jeff Staniforth - AffirmWare Australia
Need Motivation? Visit
Jeff Staniforth e-mail


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