

"Affirmation Course" - Lesson #6

Hello - Fellow Success Seeker,

This issue includes...

1. "Technique - Keeping A Journal"
2. "Technique - Affirmation and Your Higher Self"
3. "Technique - Power Symbol"
4. "7 Exciting FREE Bonuses valued at $175"
5. "Sample Affirmations"
6. "Affirmations and Repetitions"
7. "Going With the Flow"
8. "Comfort Zone"


Keeping a Journal is an ACTIVE way of working with your inner
world. Here are some suggestions for beginning your journal.

* Incorporate your affirmation sessions into your journal.

* Make lists of everything you feel appreciated for, successful
 at, you like about yourself, and is important to you.

* Use any of the following in your journal: ideas, goals, plans,
 dreams, color, symbols, poetry. Also note any affirmations that
 come to you during the day.

* Try to spend some time every day on your journal. You will find
 working on the inner plane very rewarding and of immense value.

* Record any events you think are a direct result of your affirmation
 practice, i.e. manifestation, coincidences, serendipity, dreams,


Affirmations are more appropriate if they come from a higher
source. To access this higher source we need to quiet the mind.
Refer to the section titled "Guide To Meditation - Effective
Affirmations" from issue 3 of this course. Affirm to the higher
source that it is your intention to obtain help in a particular

Stay with this for a few moments and take notes of any guidance
received. This technique will get easier with practice, and
possibly will be one of the most important you will ever develop.

Check out the Centerpointe FREE online sample meditation program,
Go To:


You may find it helpful to have a power symbol located close to
where you practice your affirmations. This could be an image of
God, a reminder of nature, or even some special passage from an
inspirational book. Any image that has special meaning for you
would work fine. Then, while practicing your affirmations, glance
over at your power symbol from time to time.

#4 Seven Exciting FREE Bonuses valued at $175

Just one point about the bonuses, we are often asked why we
give away so much. The answer is simple, we have only one
objective at this site, and that is for you to succeed. Everything
that we do is focused on that one word "SUCCESS". Your success, that
is why we over-deliver We want you to have the best tools, the best
knowledge, so we "know you'll succeed".

Following is a overview of the 7 FREE bonuses you will receive when
you order the Sculptor Affirmation software program.

Plus, these gifts are yours to keep, even in the unlikely event that
you decide to take advantage of our money back guarantee. You simply
can't lose.

~~~Bonus #1 - "Subliminal Messages Program"
This program shows subliminal messages on your computer screen
while you work! It comes with over 400 pre-scripted sample messages
in over 40 categories, plus you can get you life on track by
creating your own unique messages specifically designed for
your needs. Not just text, you can display graphic and even play
sound wave files.

To use the "Subliminal Message" program with the sample affirmations
you have received from this course, simply save them to a text file
and load them into the program. Full instructions are provided in
the help file.

Here are just some of the 40+ categories:
* Wealth and Money
* Self Esteem and Happiness
* Weight Loss
* Personal Development
* Attracting a Mate
* Motivation
* Confidence
* Quit Smoking
* Stress Management

* Create and display picture files
* Create and play sound wave files
* Select areas of screen to display messages
* Bold and Italics support for subliminal messages
* Toggle to auto start when Windows starts
* Control how often messages are displayed
* Control how long messages are displayed for
* Message can span multiple lines
* Includes help file

Absolutely incredible, the perfect compliment to Sculptor.

~~~Bonus #2 - "Affirmation Course"
This is the eBook version of AffirmWare's online "7 Part Affirmation
Course". You can purchase the eBook separately for $19 ($US) , or
get it FREE when you purchase the "Sculptor Affirmation Software"

~~~Bonus #3 - "Science of Getting Rich"
eBook - W. D. Wattles. Born shortly after the Civil War, Wattles
experienced a life of failure after failure, until in his latter
years, after tireless study and experimentation he formulated
the principles laid out in The Science of Getting Rich. Time
less wisdom and a step-by-step prosperity program are waiting
for you.

Plus, you also receive the audio version of this eBook for easy
listing. Comes in "four, 30 minute audio files" "wav format", that's
the complete transcript of this amazing eBook. This audio program sells
for $27.00 at, and it's yours free.

~~~Bonus #4 - "Personality Test"
The eBook version of the popular personality test as presented
by AffirmWare, comes with complete distribution rights. This nifty
little eBook shows you what your personality type is. Send a copy
to a friend, compare notes.

~~~Bonus #5 - "Motivational Screen Saver!"
This is a really great screen saver. It self-installs, it's attractive,
and displays almost 300 motivational and inspirational quotes by
famous people (some are humorous too!).

~~~Bonus #6 - "Health Reports"
* 26 Health incredible reports, Including:
* Sensible Diet Tips
* Fueling Up On Water
* Getting A Second Opinion
* The Positive Weight Loss Approach
* Walking And Weight Loss
* Live A Longer And Healthier Life
* You Can Have Healthy Skin
* Exercise Melts Body Fat
* Where Diets Go Wrong
* How To Beat Depression

~~~Bonus #7* - "Double Your Internet Speed"
No Software to learn - No Hardware to install - Works with your
existing ISP. Includes 18 "do it yourself tips" to turbo charge
your PC. Imagine surfing the web at twice your current connection
speed. If you're tired of the World Wide Wait... you need 2x

* Note, non USA Users: This is one bonus on the site you will not be
 able to utilize... sorry.
All these bonuses for FREE when you purchase the Sculptor program.
Make your dreams a reality. It all begins by taking the first step...
Order Today!


To day's affirmation category is
Peace and Harmony in your Life:

· I am at peace. I love myself.
· I am in harmony with the Universe.
· I am filled with the Love of the Universal.
· I love to love and be loved.
· I am at peace with my self.
· I am at one with my inner child.

Confidence and Selling:

· I now see myself successfully making sales.
· I am confident and at ease.
· What I imagine I can do I can do.
· I am a self-motivated person.
· I am an outgoing and friendly person.
· I always say the right thing.
· I am always in the right place at the right time.
· I now put others at ease.
· I come across as a sincere person.
· My sales figures are increasing.
· I am a very confident salesperson.
· I approach selling with an optimistic attitude.
· I can be the best in my field, I have what it takes.

We present a further three stories from the Sculptor Affirmation
program. Note, these stories all have accompanying picture backdrops
in the Sculptor 12-day program.


The importance of repetition cannot be over-emphasized. It is a
fundamental element in effectively implanting the affirmation.

We need not believe that the affirmation will work. What is important
is continual repetition, with plenty of emotion.

With time this constant saturation of the mind will firmly implant
the affirmation in the depths of our subconscious with laser-like
intensity. It has a concentrating effect and will generate more and
more energy, enabling it to manifest more readily in the chosen form.
An idea held firmly in the conscious mind will receive the attention
of the subconscious.

The Subconscious is capable of carrying out any instruction.
What we have in our lives right now is a direct result of the
images we have been projecting onto our mental screen to date.

The image that we project onto our mental screen will be brought
into reality by the innate creative ability of our subconscious mind.

This imaging capability is solely the province of our conscious mind,
whose role is that of master. Our obedient servant or slave is the
subconscious, who simply ensures that everything that we say, do, and
feel is consistent with the image it has received.

It is the subconscious, then, that is the most powerful force in our
life, accepting without question our every instruction down to the
tiniest detail, and will firmly implant the affirmation into the
depths of our subconscious.

It has a concentrating effect and will generate more and more energy,
enabling it to manifest more readily in the chosen form.

An idea held firmly in the conscious mind will receive the attention
of the subconscious, then bringing it into manifestation.

The subconscious is completely capable of carrying out any
instruction we have programmed it to do. It cannot distinguish
between what is real and what is imaginary. We can take advantage
of this by consciously selecting those images we wish to see
manifested in our lives. It has infinite resources at its disposal,
and is capable of creating ANYTHING.

It helps if we see life as a journey down a river. During the trip we
need to trust our inner guidance to see us safely past any obstacles,
rather than attempting to hold on to the known and the familiar.
Failing to go with the flow can cause us to miss many of life's
opportunities, which would otherwise be present.

Our willingness to surrender to the flows "inner guidance" lets us
navigate our way past obstacles and choose the channel or tributary
we prefer.


Our comfort zone conforms directly to the imagined image that
we have of ourselves, i.e. our self-image. It is important to
realize that it is only imaginary: an illusion.

The foundation of the illusion was laid down in our infancy and
while allowed to go unchallenged will continue to exert a powerful
influence over us.

Awareness of this allows us to choose techniques, such as repeating
an affirmation, to expand that self-image. In expanding it, those
actions formerly performed outside of the comfort zone become easier
and there is a noticeable reduction in "negative" stress. This will
also stretch the boundary of the comfort zone itself, letting us
experience many new possibilities where we can perform more
efficiently as well as more effectively.

> Helpful Resource <
Discover the Fantastic Formula that Brings Wealth, Success and

In just three minutes, with only 3 steps, you can achieve personal
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"Beyond the knowledge of business and its complexities, way beyond
the expertise of advertising gurus and marketing mavens, there is a
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personal success and real happiness will be yours."
---John Harricharan - award-winning author of the bestseller, 'When You
Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat.'

"Three steps? It only takes three steps to solve problems, create
wealth and feel happy? I didn't believe it either, until I tried it.
Not only do the three steps work, but you can do them anywhere,
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'Hpynotic Writing' and creator of the audio set, 'Outrageous Marketing'
(Nightingale-Conant) Visit them at:

>>> Heads Up >>> I realize that most folks live busy lives, and you may
therefore have been setting your course aside to read later. I invite you to
take some time this week and get caught up with the reading, as well as
practicing your affirmations.
In the next issue of "The Affirmation Course" we will introduce you to
principle of "Oneness".

See you then!

Copyright © 2002 by

Written by Jeff Staniforth - AffirmWare Australia
Need Motivation? Visit
Jeff Staniforth e-mail


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Warning: Please do not use the information supplied by AffirmWare to diagnose, treat, any health problem or disease. If you suspect that you have a medical complaint please consult your health care professional.

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