

Hello Success-Seeker,

In this issue of "Affirmations for the Mind" Tips and Techniques self-help Newsletter I will show you how to use affirmations for "Looking after the Physical body".

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To your continued success.

Jeff Staniforth

Looking after the Physical body - includes sample Affirmations
- by Jeff Staniforth
We have all heard it said "Your body is a temple". Whether you are religious, spiritual, or a humanist, there can be no disagreement about the fact that each of us has a life force and it is enclosed within our body. So, if you don't think that your body is a temple then can we at least agree that it is a vessel which contains the essence that is you?

Our wit, our intelligence, our capacity to show love to our friends and family, whatever we contribute to the world each day, the simple act of breathing all comes to a stop when our body gives up. It has been shown that the body can remain alive even when that essence that makes us who we are ceases to exist. The opposite is not true however. When the body no longer lives, we pass away.

While this may sound "heavy", it's not really meant to. It's simple the basis of today's newsletter. Our body plays a big role in determining how we live so we'd better take care of it.

"Looking after the Physical body"

  • My body is my temple, I love and respect it.
  • I will honor my body.
  • I now feed my body only healthy foods.
  • My body deserves my respect, and get it.
  • I look and feel wonderful today.
  • I will meet my weight goals easily and effortlessly.
  • I feel fresh and alive today.
  • I am healthier today then I was yesterday.
  • I look good and feel great.

Looking after the Physical body

When you look good you feel good. People have been saying that for as long as I can remember. Can it really be true? It is true and there are two basic reasons why it is.

At the simplest level, looking good builds our self esteem. When we have high self esteem then we act differently. We walk a little taller; we're more outgoing and confident. People gravitate towards us and we are more likely to be successful.

But because looking good doesn't happen all by itself, there is an underlying physical benefit. In order to look good we have to follow certain rules of diet, nutrition and exercise and we have to avoid health-related risks like smoking and drugs. So, when we physically look good then there is a better chance that we physically feel good as well because our body is in prime condition and all systems are functioning as they were intended to function.

On the other hand, if we are out of shape, overweight, or generally unhealthy then it shows in our daily lives. We tend to become tired easily, more irritable, and perhaps even a bit lazy. Our self esteem is low and we lose a lot of our "magnetic energy" which attracts other people to us.

Even worse, people make judgements about us when we are out of shape. Overweight people are often thought to be lazy. Overweight people are sometimes discriminated against socially and in the workplace. Poor health leads to more poor health and fuels a never ending cycle which ultimately leads to a premature death.

If your job isn't going well, your social life lacks some lustre and you're not feeling so hot either, it's time to take a long look in the mirror and see what message your body is trying to deliver to you. If you're not in shape then you're not functioning at your peak potential.

Tip: It's not hard to take care of your body. All you need to do is eat healthy and get some exercise. The body wants to be healthy. It has built-in systems for taking care of illness. It can heal itself if we let it. All that your body needs is a chance to be the best that it can be. All that's stopping it from being that is you.

Eat, drink, work, play, exercise and sleep in moderation. Picture yourself healthy and then start doing what it takes to make that picture a reality.

You know, of all the issues that we face on a daily basis, it seems that our physical health is the one that's the hardest for us to get our hands around. That's because there are so many influences in life that are designed to make us unhealthy. Fast food, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, stress, crime, smog, you name it. With all of the distractions it's easy to lose focus on your personal health. That's why I hired a health coach.

No, it's lot a living breathing health coach, it's a software program called Sculptor 3. And although it isn't human, it's really much more than a health coach. It's a life coach. Sculptor 3 is designed to help you focus on the things that are important. It's sort of an antidote for the mind poisoning distractions that life hands you every day. It helps to keep me focused by letting me manage my affirmations and by helping me remember what's important to me. You can get a coach too. In fact, you can try out Sculptor for free.

Just click: That's how I got started feeling so good about my body.

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Quotes Of The Week
"It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver."
-- Mohandas Gandhi

"The first wealth is health."
- Emerson

"The body of man is a machine which winds its own springs."
- J. O. De La Mettrie


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