

Hello Success-Seeker,

In this issue of "Affirmations for the Mind" Tips and Techniques self-help Newsletter I will show you how to use affirmations for "Breathe! You Are Alive".

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To your continued success.

Jeff Staniforth

Breathe! You Are Alive - Plus sample affirmations

-- by Jeff Staniforth
Breathe! You Are Alive

The simple act of breathing starts a chain reaction of life- giving energy flowing through our body and mind. There are breathing techniques which can alter our mood, control pain and even give us courage to face enemies and obstacles. Join me today on an exploration of the power of breathing.

You can take the power of breathing to new levels by simply writing down and saying these affirmations out loud throughout the day:

  • I feel positively energized.
  • Breathing deeply brings me peace.
  • I have abundant energy, vitality and well-being.
  • I am at peace with myself.
  • My vital energy resurfaces naturally.
  • I am comforted by my breathing.
  • Every part of my body is energized when I breathe.
  • I am more focused because of my breathing.
  • Breathing gives me strength and courage.
  • I am more in touch with my body when I breathe deeply.

Breathe! You Are Alive

Breathing is something that we begin doing moments after birth and continue to do right up to the moment of our death. You would think that it's something we would have pretty much figured out how to do. But, the truth is, it's something that we rapidly forget how to do; at least correctly.

In the Far East there is a deep understanding and respect for breathing. In India there is a term called prana which is derived from the word Ăpraa which is used to express the movement of air such as breathing as well as the wind blowing. In the middle- Indian Pali dialect the word is pana is used to convey the concept of breath, life, and the "living being." Even the Greeks recognized the power of breathing through the use of their word pneuma which means "air in motion" as well as referring to the human's "spirit."

The point of all this is that the act of breathing is so much more than delivering life-giving oxygen to our brain. It is a spiritual and metaphysical act which offers a whole host of benefits if we are aware of them and if we welcome them into our body.

Breathing is also an outward indicator of our physical, mental and emotional state. When we are frightened or injured, our breath usually comes in short and shallow gulps. Likewise, when we are relaxed or sleeping, our breathing is slow and measured.

We can control our mental state by regulating our breathing. Thoughts of fear or nervousness, as well as pain and discomfort, can be greatly reduced by practicing what is called abdominal breathing.

Although the effects are far-reaching, in theory it's really very easy to do. At the top of this article I wrote "that we rapidly forget" how to breathe after we are born. What a strange thing to say, but it is true.

The actual physical act of breathing is a muscle-driven event which requires the use of the diaphragm, the intercostal group of muscles which are the muscles in between the ribs that are used to expand the chest, and the accessory group which are the neck muscles that are rarely used for normal breathing.

When a person is breathing normally their stomach moves up and down in a gentle and rhythmic motion. This happens because the diaphragm naturally presses down on the contents of your stomach causing it to bulge slightly. You see this occur regularly when infants breathe. This is the abdominal breathing I'm talking about.

As children get older they gradually segue to partial intercostal breathing and then, by the time they reach adulthood, they are breathing only using the diaphragm (full chest breathing). This is the point where we have fully lost most of the beneficial effects of breathing other than its basic function of keeping us alive.

When the abdomen compress, instead of expanding, it creates abnormal pressure on the lungs. As a result, the lower sections of the lungs receive a greater amount of blood than the middle and upper sections. This causes an unequal distribution of oxygen throughout our bloodstream and also affects our state of relaxation and mental clarity. Tests conducted on different types of breathers have shown more favourable brain wave patterns (alpha waves) are present in people who practice slow abdominal breathing.

Proper breathing is such an important part of our overall mental and physical health. It's not something we need to learn how to do as much as it is something we need to let our body do in the natural way it already wants to.

Tip: The next time you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed, try this exercise:

  1. Sit in a comfortable chair that supports your back.
  2. Sit up straight so your abdomen has room to move.
  3. Inhale deeply and slowly trying not to suck your abdomen in as you do it. While you are inhaling say to yourself "I am..."
  4. Exhale slowly and say to yourself "very relaxed."

Repeat this exercise a few times and, before you know it, you'll have you own instant stress reliever available that you can use any time you need. The best part is - it's free and it doesn't require a prescription!

You know, part of the reason that the exercise I just described works is because of the use of affirmations. The act of saying "I am very relaxed" transmits that thought to you mind where it takes root and produces the desired effect.

That's the amazing power of affirmations. The problem is that as we go through our very busy day we often get overwhelmed and forget to tap into the power of affirmations. That's a shame because it's at those times when we need the power of affirmations the most!

I found a solution for that problem and it lies in a piece of software called SubliminalEzy. It's a Windows-based program that uses the principle of subliminal messaging to flash your affirmations on your PC screen while you're busy doing whatever it is you do on your computer.

SubliminalEzy uses subliminal messaging so you aren't consciously aware that the messages are being flashed. Your eyes see them nonetheless and transmit them directly to your subconscious where they take root and reinforce your willpower. SubliminalEzy is Ezy to set up and use. It comes with hundreds of pre-loaded affirmations for health, lifestyle, wealth, happiness, exercise, and other goals, plus you can easily create your own. Or you can use the ones I provided at the top of this article.

You should actually find yourself breathing better and correctly after using SubliminalEzy to reinforce your breathing and relaxation affirmations. Take a look at this program by visiting Using SubliminalEzy is like having a breathing coach providing relaxation tips to you all day long!

Here are some wonderful relaxation and breathing quotes from people who have mastered the art. I hope they motivate you as much as they do me.

"By weaving your mindful awareness into the natural rhythm of your breath, you will be able to release stress in any situation and to ground yourself in the present moment." - Joel Levey & Michelle Levey

"To breathe the air, how delicious!"
-- Walt Whitman

"The time to relax is when you don't have time for it."
-- Sidney J. Harris

Written by Jeff Staniforth, Motivational Success Mentor.
-- AffirmWare Australia.

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Quotes Of The Week

"If you don't have a vision for the future, then your future is threatened to be a repeat of the past."

-- A.R. Bernard

"The person interested in success has to learn to view failure as a healthy, inevitable part of the process of getting to the top."

-- Dr. Joyce Brothers



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