

Hello - Fellow Success Seeker,

Welcome to the March issue of AffirmWare's
"Affirmations For The Mind" monthly eZine:

Announcing the Winner of the "Sculptor Affirmation
Software" Raffle.

Do you want to Unsubscribe?? Gasp!! Directions at the
end of the newsletter!

In this issue...

1. "Raffle Winners"
2. "One God"
3. "Power Pause"
4. "Material And Spiritual Abundance" (Affirmations)
5. "Personal Growth Products & Services"
6. "Joy"
7. "FREE Copy of Prosperity"
8. "Removal"

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Please take a moment to forward it to your friends,
co-workers, colleagues and anyone else that you think
might be interested.

Thank you for your continued support!

#1 Winners Of The Sculptor Affirmation Software Raffle
Current Winner:
March - Jane Wenham

Note, all subscribers have been automatically enrolled in
the April "Sculptor Affirmation Software" raffle.

Best of Luck...
For Previous winners
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AOL Users Click Here</a>

#2 One God
Religions through out the ages have proclaimed that humanity
is but one big family. Most of the principles followed by
one religion are also echoed by another.

To help gain a better understanding of just how similar the
various religions are, I present the following collection of
writings based on the principle of "One God".

Note, we will be introducing a different principle in each
issue of the "Affirmations For The Mind" eZine.

There is one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through
all, and in you all.

Remember even when alone that the Divine is everywhere.

He is the one god hidden in all beings, all pervading, the Self
within all beings, watching over all worlds, dwelling in all
beings, the witness, the perceiver.

Have we not all one Father? Has not one God created us?

There is but one God whose name is true. He is the creator,
immortal, unborn, self existent.

La Allah ha; Il allah hu. All this is god; God is all there is.

All gods are the same God, and all goddesses are the same Goddess,
and the multiplicity perceived is but one Creator showing various

#3 Sponsor - Power Pause With John Harricharan
** Discover the Fantastic Formula that Brings Wealth, Success
and Happiness! **

In just three minutes, with only 3 steps, you can achieve
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Beyond the knowledge of business and its complexities, way
beyond the expertise of advertising gurus and marketing
mavens, there is a place where the seeds of success germinate.
Find this place and personal success and real happiness will
be yours.

John Harricharan - award-winning author of the bestseller
When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat.
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AOL Users Click Here</a>

#4 Material And Spiritual Abundance (Affirmations)
When thinking about abundance, what do you think?
How do you feel about abundance?

If you are thinking
"It's hard"
"I just don't feel abundant"

or similar, you are working against the principles of abundance.

The principles of abundance are the highest thought forms you
can hold. You are literally saying, okay universe you do your
stuff, I will be open and allow you to work through me.

Granted, this requires a certain amount of surrender in the
beginning, but if you will stick with it your trust will

>> Abundant principle affirmation <<
"I now let go and let the universe work through me"
"I now surrender my financial affairs to God",

Substitute "financial affairs" for any area you would like to
work with.

At those time when you are feeling abundant you will feel a
oneness with your environment, you will feel open and energized.

When you tune into abundance you are placing yourself in
accordance with universe laws.

Being abundant is your birthright. It is a lot easier to succeed
than it is to fail, you have to work hard to fail, whereas to
succeed you only have to let go. If you knew how much energy
you invest in creating undesirable results you would drop it in
an instant.

Be like nature, it is not always right to take action, sometimes
we rest, sometime we shine and sometime we do take action. It's
just a matter of taking action when it feels right, when the time
is right you will feel compelled to take the appropriate action
to bring about your desired outcome.

>> Abundant principle affirmation <<
"I listen to and take action when it feels right"

When you resist abundance you are going against your natural
state. For example, resisting a desire to become an artist or
make that phone call, or follow a childhood dream are all ways
in which you resist, you are literally cutting off your energy

What can you learn from these abundant principles?
You can learn to follow through on those activities that you
love and give you a feeling of being open and energized. Just
remember doing what you love will open up your energy… and
opening up your energy will allow abundance to come into your

>> Abundant principle affirmation <<
"I am an open channel receiving the abundant energy of a loving
"I do what I love, the universe amply supplies me"

Whether you are thinking about prosperity, health issues or
relationships, whatever. You can open yourself up to having more
simply by choosing where to focus your attention.

Use the principle of gratitude to focus on the good that is
already happening in your life.

* Affirm thanks to family and friends
* Affirm thanks for your health and you're feeling nature
* Affirm thanks for the food you eat, your digestive system
* Affirm thanks for the clothes your wear
* Affirm thanks to the transport systems, your car, your shoes

See how many things you can be grateful for today. This is a
wonderful exercise and very powerful. Be mindful of what is
happen here, what you focus on expands.

This simple exercise will also open up your expectancy for your
greater good. You are literally saying to the universe, I focus
on what is good in my life, I expect the best and I am open to
receive it.

>> Abundant principle affirmation <<
"I now focus on what is good and working in my life, I expect the

Just as these abundance principles can work for you, if you think
about what you don't want they can also work against you, by creating
undesirable results. This is why you have to be mindful of what you
are thinking. Don't beat yourself up if you notice yourself thinking

Firstly you need to acknowledge your thoughts, negative, positive
and neutral.

We need to get rid of the notion that we have good and bad emotions,
emotions just are. The problem lays in getting into habitually
thinking patterns where we judge compare and evaluate ourselves
against others.

From day one, as newborn babies, most of us were taught that
we were not OK. As time goes on we create a persona to present
to the world that everything is all right, but this is wrapped
around our false "Not OK" self, the ego.

To help support this illusion we are constantly judging ourselves
and others to see if our persona is OK. For some it appears to
be stable on the outside, but once again trying to maintain
this feeling of OK is both unnatural and takes an enormous amount
of energy.

Under your persona, under that "I am not OK", you are perfect,
that is your real self, that is the self we want to operate from
when we talk about abundance.

Get past habitual negativity and ego judgments, this is just
the false self trying to make sense of it all. It wants to be in
control of a structure that it is incapable of understanding.

We can still acknowledge this negative self-talk, but we don't
have to buy into it, see it for what it is, put light on it, love
it and understand it.

Be as a loving parent; dialog with your negativity as follows:

"Come along this way my love, this is best, a nicer way, I
am with you my love; you are cared for, I will look after you.
You don't have to be super person, it is OK to be you." Work
with love and go higher.

We don't want to denial our negativity, we want to befriend it,
be there for it, and show it a better way.

When you can come from your true self, negativity simple does
not exist. You vibration is such that you have transcended the
dense matter and love is the prevailing energy.

You really do have a choice, start with an intention, a desire,
help will come, "Seek and you shall find".

Decide today to have more control over your thinking, your vibration.
You are in control of your thinking, with positive intention you can
raise your vibration.

In closing, one thing that I often forget and it is so terrible
important is, to "ASK".

So many times I have been less than positive, I endured, I put
up with, then I remember, "ASK", I then simple repeat the following.

All I have to do to be one with my higher self is to think of my
higher self and request that the connection be strengthen.

I then repeat:
"I am now thinking of my higher self and I desire that the
connection be strengthen", I ask this in faith knowing that it
is so.

I repeat this affirmation about 6 times, go on my way, and a
couple of minutes later normally I catch myself thinking how
wonderful life is.

For me this affirmation works every time, but how often do I
forget to ask? I'm getting better:-)

It all begins by taking the first step, give it a try.

#5 Personal Growth Products and Services
Helping You Achieve Higher Spiritual Awareness. These
recordings offer advice from business authors, inspirational
speakers, and personal skill trainers such as: Wayne Dyer,
Zig Ziglar, Deepak Chopra and Tony Robbins.
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** Join Jim Rohn's FREE Weekly E-zine **
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#6 Joy
In theory, joy should be a natural part of our lives. Somehow,
isn't it true, we get so caught up in the crazy, frenetic pace
of modern living that we get disconnected from that inner part
of oneself that naturally rests in a state of equilibrium, in
peace, at one with all things? And so, we almost have to make
joy a habit, a long-lost friend to see. In the craziness of
life, we shouldn't lose sight of the beauty, the calm, and the
purpose to things.

Laughter and mirth spread from leaf to leaf and there is gladness
without measure. Heaven's rivers have devoured its banks and the
flood of joy is abroad. This flood of joy must indeed be love. For
love is the only reality and it is not a mere sentiment. It is the
truth that lies at the heart of all creation.
--Rabindranath Tagore

On the path toward joy, connecting honestly with another person and
sharing your vulnerability is crucial.
--Charlotte Davis Kasl

Cherish Joy
Choose joy. Then cherish and savor it.

Joy is not a fleeting emotion based on outward circumstances, a
transitory feeling of the moment, a reaction to the scenery around
you. It comes from within your heart like the waterfall that rushes
out the side of a mountain. Joy is a runoff from the wellspring within
you. And sometimes, it is a delightful, surprising contrast to the
scenery around you.Embrace joy. Relish it. Even if those around you don't have it right now, you can feel your joy. You don't have to be
disrespectful of their feelings, nor do you have to let their lack of
joy diminish yours. You have done your work. You have chosen to open
your heart.Now you have your reward

Cherish joy. It's your treasure. You've found it. You've earned it. It's
--Melody Beattie, JOURNEY TO THE HEART, 10/23

#7 FREE Copy of Prosperity by Charles Fillmore
Did/are you enjoying the "7 Part Affirmation Course"?
If so, we would appreciate it if you would inform one
or two of your friends and acquaintances.

Since no one likes taking the time to fill out forms...
I wanted to motivate you by offering a FREE copy of the
eBook Prosperity, by Charles Fillmore. (313 pages). The
perfect companion to the 7 Part Affirmation Course.

"When we think about the love of God drawing to us the
substance necessary for support and supply, that
substance begins to accumulate all around us, and as
we abide in the consciousness of it, it begins to
manifest itself in all our affairs."
- Prosperity by Charles Fillmore

To tell a friend about the FREE "7 Part Affirmation Course",
and receive your FREE copy of Prosperity. Go To:
AOL Users Click Here</a>

#8 Removal
To be removed from further mailings, reply to this eZine
with the subject "Remove".

Looking Forward to Meeting Again Soon!
"Practice random deeds of kindness,
and senseless acts of beauty.

Jeff Staniforth


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Closing Comments ~ Feedback

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