

Hello - Fellow Success Seeker,

Welcome to the September issue of AffirmWare's
"Affirmations For The Mind" monthly eZine:

Announcing the Winner of the "Sculptor Affirmation
Software" Raffle.

Do you want to Unsubscribe?? Gasp!! Directions at the
end of the newsletter!

In this issue...

1. "Raffle Winners"
2. "Laughter and Heart Quotes"
3. "PositivePics - FREE Screen Saver"
4. "Personal Growth Products and Services"
5. "Where is God's Perfection?"
6. "Getting Your Knowledge Out"
7. "How to Advertise in the this Newsletter"
8. "Removal"

DO YOU LIKE THIS NEWSLETTER? Please take a moment to
forward it to your friends, co-workers, colleagues and
anyone else that you think might be interested. Thank
you for your continued support!

#1 Winners Of The Sculptor Affirmation Software Raffle
Current Winner:
September - Manon Charlebois

Note, all subscribers have been automatically enrolled in
our October "Sculptor Affirmation Software" raffle.

Best of Luck...
Previous winners listed at:

#2 Laughter and Heart Quotes
Laughter is inner jogging.
--Norman Cousins

The human race has one really effective weapon, and that
is laughter.
--Mark Twain

Humor is a prelude to faith, and laughter is the beginning
of prayer.
--Reinhold Niebuhr

Every time one laughs a nail is removed from one's coffin.
--Honduran Proverb

For me there is only the traveling on paths that have heart,
on any path that may have heart. There I travel, and the only
worthwhile challenge is to transverse its full length. And
there I travel, looking, looking, breathlessly.

The best and most beautiful things cannot be seen or touched.
They must be felt with the heart.
--Helen Keller

Your vision will become clear only when you look into your
Who looks outside, dreams.
Who looks inside, awakens.
--Carl Jung

#3 PositivePics - FREE Screen Saver
I had some friends over last week and was showing them the
Sculptor Affirmation program, when I got to explaining how I
created the 12 images and stories associated with each day of
the 12-Day plan they said, hay... those images would make a
great Screen Saver. I thought yes, and two days later here
it is.

So, it's free, my gift to you. I have created a his &
her version.

For her:

For him:

If you would like to read the associated stories to these
images, plus get information about how to use them.
Go To:

#4 Personal Growth Products and Services
Helping You Achieve Higher Spiritual Awareness. These
recordings offer advice from business authors, inspirational
speakers, and personal skill trainers such as: Wayne Dyer,
Zig Ziglar, Deepak Chopra and Tony Robbins.
Go To:
<a href=>
AOL Users Click Here</a>

Experience powerful FREE on-line demo of what many describe
as "the most powerful personal growth/mind development tool
on Earth." Float away into states of super-pleasurable,
deep meditation with Holosync® sound technology. Creates
quantum leaps in self-awareness, dramatically lowers
stress, creates amazing resolution of dysfunctional
feelings and behaviors, sharpens thinking. Dramatically
accelerates personal and spiritual growth, guaranteed.
Go To:
<a href=>
AOL Users Click Here</a>


Now you can with the revolutionary Sedona Method Audio
Program. Learn to let go of any unwanted feeling on the
spot and free yourself to fly! FREE TAPE
Go To:
<a href=>
AOL Users Click Here</a>

** High Quality Nutritionals Direct From The Manufacturer **
Earth's Pharmacy is the leading manufacturer of superior-
quality, science-based nutritional supplements. With a full
range of products including weight loss, men's and women's
health, arthritis, memory, sports, vision, relaxation,
general vitamins, minerals, herbs and more.
Go To:
<a href=>
AOL Users Click Here</a>

** Your Future in the Palm of YOUR Hand **
Palm Reader Online provides live interactive palm readings
with instantaneous results. Learn more about your love life,
career and even your health by conducting a personal palm
reading. Remember... it's all in your hands!
Go To:
<a href=>
AOL Users Click Here</a>

#5 Where is God's Perfection?
In Brooklyn, New York, Chush is a school that caters to
learning disabled children. Some children remain in Chush
for their entire school career, while others can be
mainstreamed into conventional schools. At a Chush fund-raising
dinner, the father of a Chush child delivered a speech that
would never be forgotten by all who attended. After extolling
the school and its dedicated staff, he cried out, "Where is
the perfection in my son Shaya? Everything God does is done
with perfection. But my child cannot understand things as
other children do. My child cannot remember facts and figures
as other children do. Where is God's perfection?"

The audience was shocked by the question, pained by the
father's anguish and stilled by the piercing query. "I
believe", the father answered, "that when God brings a child
like this into the world, the perfection that he seeks is in
the way people react to this child." He then told the
following story about his son Shaya:

One afternoon Shaya and his father walked past a park where
some boys Shaya knew were playing baseball. Shaya asked, "Do
you think they will let me play?" Shaya's father knew that
his son was not at all athletic and that most boys would not
want him on their team. But Shaya's father understood that
if his son was chosen to play it would give him a comfortable
sense of belonging. Shaya's father approached one of the
boys in the field and asked if Shaya could play. The boy
looked around for guidance from his team mates.

Getting none, he took matters into his own hands and said "We
are losing by six runs and the game is in the eighth inning.
I guess he can be on our team and we'll try to put him up to
bat in the ninth inning"

Shaya's father was ecstatic as Shaya smiled broadly. Shaya
was told to put on a glove and go out to play short-center
field. In the bottom of the eighth inning, Shaya's team scored
a few runs but was still behind by three. In the bottom of
the ninth inning, Shaya's team scored again and now with
two outs and the bases loaded with the potential winning
run on base, Shaya was scheduled to be up. Would the team
actually let Shaya bat at this juncture and give away
their chance to win the game?

Surprisingly, Shaya was given the bat. Everyone knew that
it was all but impossible because Shaya didn't even know how
to hold the bat properly, let alone hit with it. However as
Shaya stepped up to the plate, the pitcher moved a few steps
to lob the ball in softly so Shaya should at least be able
to make contact. The first pitch came in and Shaya swung
clumsily and missed. One of Shaya's team mates came up to
Shaya and together they held the bat and faced the pitcher
waiting for the next pitch. The pitcher again took a few
steps forward to toss the ball softly toward Shaya. As the
pitch came in, Shaya and his teammate swung the bat and
together they hit a slow ground ball to the pitcher. The
pitcher picked up the soft grounder and could easily have
thrown the ball to the first baseman. Shaya would have been
out and that would have ended the game. Instead, the pitcher
took the ball and threw it on a high arc to right field, far
beyond reach of the first baseman.

Everyone started yelling, "Shaya, run to first. Run to first."

Never in his life had Shaya run to first. He scampered down
the baseline wide-eyed and startled. By the time he reached
first base, the right fielder had the ball. He could have
thrown the ball to the second baseman, who would tag out
Shaya, who was still running. But the right fielder understood
what the pitcher's intentions were, so he threw the ball
high and far over the third baseman's head. Everyone yelled,
"Run to second, run to second." Shaya ran towards second
base as the runners ahead of him deliriously circled the
bases towards home. As Shaya reached second base, the opposing
short stop ran to him,turned him in the direction of third
base and shouted, "Run to third." As Shaya rounded third,
the boys from both teams ran behind him screaming, "Shaya
run home." Shaya ran home, stepped on home plate, and all
18 boys lifted him on their shoulders and made him the
hero, as he had just hit a "grand slam" and won the game
for his team.

"That day," said the father softly with tears now rolling
down his face,"those 18 boys reached their level of God's

#6 Getting your knowledge Out
Do you have an information product or service you would like
to share with other like minded souls? now you can without
the $$'s associated with creating a full blown web site. Now
you can learn from the experts how to create a simple one
page web sites, that will sell your product or service like
hot cakes.

If your looking to test the web waters, I strongly recommend
you check out Don't pay the high cost
involved in getting a full blown web site up and running,
you don't need the head ache and you certainly don't need
to fork out $$'s.

Learn from the experts, they've spent years researching what
does and doesn't work, now you can have access to this
information. To find out more.
Go TO:
<a href=>
AOL Users Click Here</a>

#7 How to Advertise in the this Newsletter
Put your Ad in our Newsletter. Only ads for high-quality
sites and publications that I believe will be of interest
to my readers are accepted.
Go To:
<a href=>AOL Users Click Here</a>

#8 Removal
To be removed from further mailings, reply to this eZine
with the subject "Remove".

Looking Forward to Meeting Again Soon!
"Practice random deeds of kindness,
and senseless acts of beauty.

Jeff Staniforth


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Closing Comments ~ Feedback

Our new subscribers. Feel free to give us feedback on this newsletter:

Warning: Please do not use the information supplied by AffirmWare to diagnose, treat, any health problem or disease. If you suspect that you have a medical complaint please consult your health care professional.

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