

Issue 172. November 9, 2007

Subscribe to "Affirmations For The Mind" the premier publication on self-improvement and personal growth. Each issue contains powerful sample affirmations that have been tested and proven to get results.

Quotes of the Week

"All know that the drop merges into the ocean but few know that the ocean merges into the drop."

-- Kabir

"The winds of grace are always blowing, but it is you that much raise your sails."

-- Rabindranath Tagore



  1. Editor's Comments
  2. The Affirmation Series: Prosperity and Abundance
  3. Article: Thinking...
  4. Affiliates
  5. This Weeks Contest
  6. Article: Bobby's Gift
  7. Pass The News
  8. AffirmWare Products


1.) Editor's Comments:

I would like to welcome all subscribers to our newsletter.

If you haven't noticed, I created a Wealth Bible "News" Blog for our soon to be release wealth package...

... here are some of the things I have posted.

  • Principle #1 “Going With The Flow”
  • Principle #2 “Feeling Good”
  • Principle #3 “Thanks & Appreciation”
  • You can check them out at:

  • Win FREE COPY of Jeff’s "Ultimate Self-Improvement-in-a-Box Package". "Here’s your chance to win a free copy of the entire AffirmWare product range. A big thanks to everyone who entered the contest.

    You can still enter here:

I will keep you update on the WealthBible release, which is schedule for next week on Saturday, November 18th at 4:00 PM eastern

Thanks for staying affirmed ...

... and thanks for helping make this the best ever Wealth creation package ever.

Best regards,
Jeff Staniforth

2.) The Affirmation Series: "Prosperity and Abundance"

Each issue of the "Affirmations For The Mind" Newsletter will offer a selection of affirmations.

Today's affirmations are in the areas of - "Prosperity and Abundance"

-- Prosperity and Abundance:

  • I now find it easy to attract limitless prosperity
  • I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams
  • My prosperity benefits all those I come in contact with
  • I easily create money-making opportunities
  • I now have unlimited abundance
  • Money comes to me easily and effortlessly
  • I always succeed
  • I deserve to be prosperous
  • I am open to receive
  • This is a rich universe and there is plenty for all of us

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“Learn How To Apply Guided Visualization To Create Abundance, Ideal Relationships, And Improved Health In Your Life”

  • Abundance - Wealth is first created in the subconscious mind; through positive imagery, supporting beliefs and a strong sense of spirit. This Audio enables you to bypass the conscious mind while providing your subconscious mind with productive, life supporting beliefs. To get started with Abundance go to:
  • Ideal Relationships - Many folks seems to have advice on how to make relationships work, yet few offer solutions that challenge our deep underlying unconscious beliefs. This Audio offers a series of positive relationships scenarios along with powerful affirmations that communicate directly with the unconscious mind. To get started with Ideal Relationships go to:
  • Improved Health - What with the popularity of alternative therapies just about everyone is now aware of the positive connection between mind and body. This Audio offers several methods of hypnotic induction and instructs the listener in a powerful self healing process. To get started with Improved Health go to:

See: for 70% discount on all these and 4 more guided visualization’s.

3.) Article: - Thinking...

It started out innocently enough. I began to think at parties now and then to loosen up. Inevitably though, one thought led to another, and soon I was more than just a social thinker.

I began to think alone - "to relax," I told myself - but I knew it wasn't true. Thinking became more and more important to me, and finally I was thinking all the time.

I began to think on the job. I knew that thinking and employment don't mix, but I couldn't stop myself.

I began to avoid friends at lunchtime so I could read Thoreau and Kafka.

I would return to the office dizzied and confused, asking, "What is it exactly we are doing here?"

Things weren't going so great at home either. One evening I had turned off the TV and asked my wife about the meaning of life. She spent that night at her mother's.

I soon had a reputation as a heavy thinker. One day the boss called me in. He said, "Skippy, I like you, and it hurts me to say this, but your thinking has become a real problem. If you don't stop thinking on the job, you'll have to find another job." This gave me a lot to think about.

I came home early after my conversation with the boss. "Honey," I confessed, "I've been thinking..."

"I know you've been thinking," she said, "and I want a divorce!"

"But Honey, surely it's not that serious."

"It is serious," she said, lower lip aquiver. "You think as much as college professors, and college professors don't make any money, so if you keep on thinking we won't have any~money!"

"That's a faulty syllogism," I said impatiently, and she began to cry. I'd had enough. "I'm going to the library," I snarled as I stomped out the door.

I headed for the library, in the mood for some Nietzsche, with NPR on the radio. I roared into the parking lot and ran up to the big glass doors... they didn't open. The library was closed.

To this day, I believe that a Higher Power was looking out for me that night.

As I sank to the ground clawing at the unfeeling glass, whimpering for Zarathustra, a poster caught my eye. "Friend, is heavy thinking ruining your life?" it asked. You probably recognize that line. It comes from the standard Thinker's Anonymous poster.

Which is why I am what I am today: a recovering thinker. I never miss a TA meeting. At each meeting we watch a non-educational video; last week it was "Porky's." Then we share experiences about how we avoided thinking since the last meeting.

I still have my job, and things are a lot better at home. Life just seemed... easier, somehow, as soon as I stopped thinking.

-- Author Unknown

NOTE: The upcoming WealthBible has a meditation process that is designed to stop your inner chatter.

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Unlike stress management techniques such as Transcendental meditation Or meditation music, Holosync® audio technology will easily take you to states of profoundly deep (& extremely pleasurable) meditation & reduce stress & anxiety quicker & with less effort than you ever imagined possible - guaranteed.

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4.) Affiliates:

I need to recruit a sales team to get message about Sculptor 3 out there. This is what I'm prepared to do for YOU!

  • Pay you a 50% commission on each sale of my Sculptor 3 affirmation program.

ou don't have to maintain any inventory. You can advertise your link online Or off line at work, through friends, school, church Or on the streets with flyers! Go to to sign up as an affiliate and start earning 50% commission on all sales referred by you.

Thank you for your time.


Sign up today at:

Here Are 3 Testimonials From The Many Hundreds Of Letters Received

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-- Dr. Donald Schnell, Author of ”The Initiation”

Check it out today at:

5.) This Weeks Contest:

How does it work?

Simply refer a couple of friends to the Sculptor 3 web site and we'll reward you with a FREE copy of "As A Man Thinketh" by James Allen. eBook edition, a value of $10.95


This month we are going to be rewarding the most active referrer with a FREE copy of "Sculptor 3", a value of $97.00

(You even get to check how many referrals the currently leader has.)

To Refer a Friend Now!

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Winners announced at:

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Thank you so much for helping us spread the word about our positive "Affirmations For The Mind" resource, most appreciated.

6.) Article: - Bobby's Gift

Bobby was getting cold sitting out in his back yard in the snow. Bobby didn't wear boots; he didn't like them and anyway he didn't own any. The thin sneakers he wore had a few holes in them and they did a poor job of keeping out the cold.

Bobby had been in his backyard for about an hour already. And, try as he might, he could not come up with an idea for his mother's Christmas gift. He shook his head as he thought, "This is useless, even if I do come up with an idea, I don't have any money to spend.

Ever since his father had passed away three years ago, the family of five had struggled. It wasn't because his mother didn't care, or try, there just never seemed to be enough. She worked nights at the hospital, but the small wage that she was earning could only be stretched so far.

What the family lacked in money and material things, they more than made up for in love and family unity. Bobby had two older and one younger sister, who ran the household in their mother's absence.

All three of his sisters had already made beautiful gifts for their mother. Somehow it just wasn't fair. Here it was Christmas Eve already, and he had nothing.

Wiping a tear from his eye, Bobby kicked the snow and started to walk down to the street where the shops and stores were. It wasn't easy being six without a father, especially when he needed a man to talk to.

Bobby walked from shop to shop, looking into each decorated window. Everything seemed so beautiful and so out of reach. It was starting to get dark and Bobby reluctantly turned to walk home when suddenly his eyes caught the glimmer of the setting sun's rays reflecting off of something along the curb. He reached down and discovered a shiny dime.

Never before has anyone felt so wealthy as Bobby felt at that moment. As he held his new found treasure, a warmth spread throughout his entire body and he walked into the first store he saw. His excitement quickly turned cold when salesperson after salesperson told him that he could not buy anything with only a dime.

He saw a flower shop and went inside to wait in line. When the shop owner asked if he could help him, Bobby presented the dime and asked if he could buy one flower for his mother's Christmas gift. The shop owner looked at Bobby and his ten cent offering. Then he put his hand on Bobby's shoulder and said to him, "You just wait here and I'll see what I can do for you."

As Bobby waited, he looked at the beautiful flowers and even though he was a boy, he could see why mothers and girls liked flowers.

The sound of the door closing as the last customer left, jolted Bobby back to reality. All alone in the shop, Bobby began to feel alone and afraid.

Suddenly the shop owner came out and moved to the counter. There, before Bobby's eyes, lay twelve long stem, red roses, with leaves of green and tiny white flowers all tied together with a big silver bow. Bobby's heart sank as the owner picked them up and placed them gently into a long white box.

"That will be ten cents young man," the shop owner said reaching out his hand for the dime. Slowly, Bobby moved his hand to give the man his dime. Could this be true? No one else would give him a thing for his dime! Sensing the boy's reluctance, the shop owner added, "I just happened to have some roses on sale for ten cents a dozen. Would you like them?"

This time Bobby did not hesitate, and when the man placed the long box into his hands, he knew it was true. Walking out the door that the owner was holding for Bobby, he heard the shop keeper say, "Merry Christmas, son."

As he returned inside, the shop keepers wife walked out. "Who were you talking to back there and where are the roses you were fixing?" Staring out the window, and blinking the tears from his own eyes, he replied, "A strange thing happened to me this morning. While I was setting up things to open the shop, I thought I heard a voice telling me to set aside a dozen of my best roses for a special gift. I wasn't sure at the time whether I had lost my mind or what, but I set them aside anyway. Then just a few minutes ago, a little boy came into the shop and wanted to buy a flower for his mother with one small dime.

When I looked at him, I saw myself, many years ago. I too was a poor boy with nothing to buy my mother a Christmas gift. A bearded man, whom I never knew, stopped me on the street and told me that he wanted to give me ten dollars.

When I saw that little boy tonight, I knew who that voice was, and I put together a dozen of my very best roses."

The shop owner and his wife hugged each other tightly, and as they stepped out into the bitter cold air, they somehow didn't feel cold at all.

-- Author unknown


7.) Pass The News:

Well I hope you've enjoyed our newsletter this week. If you enjoyed this issue send it to a friend Or colleague who may enjoy it too. All I ask is that you please send the whole thing' not just a portion of it. I thank-you in advance.

* FREE Audio interview
Listen to Jeff Staniforth being interviewed by Heath Nicholson of Heath wanted to know how affirmations worked, how Sculptor 3 came about, how I got into affirmations and what BIG successes I have had with affirmations and Sculptor 3. To list for free go to:

* See Sculptor 3 in action with our Free Video Tutorial
Go to:

Jeff's other sites:

* New subscribers give us your help; See feedback section
If you follow these steps given you’re on your way to becoming a success online. Until our next issue thanks for being a part of our business.

8.) AffirmWare Products


“Give me just 10-minutes a day and I will show you how to live the life of your dreams.” Guaranteed...

Sculptor 3 integrates “7 Proven, Powerful and Effective” technologies to create the most amazing reality creation program ever conceived.

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Closing Comments ~ Feedback

Our new subscribers. Feel free to give us feedback on this newsletter:

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