

Hello - Fellow Success Seeker,

In this issue of "Affirmations for the Mind" Tips and Techniques
self-help Newsletter I will show you how to use affirmations for
"Winning". Yes!

To your success and empowerment,

Jeff Staniforth

1. The Affirmation Series - "Winning"
Each issue of the "Affirmations For The Mind" Newsletter will
offer a selection of affirmations.

Today's affirmations are in the areas of - "Winning":

-- Winning
* I am a winner
* I enjoy winning
* Winning makes me feel great
* I am successful
* I am good at what I do
* I am always improving
* I am increasingly successful
* I am happy being successful
* I am a success
* I am completing my tasks well
* I compete successfully
* I am a high achiever
* I get the results I want
* I win against the odds
* Victory is mine

2. Personal Growth Products

Helping You Achieve Higher Spiritual Awareness. These recordings
offer advice from business authors, inspirational speakers, and
personal skill trainers such as: Wayne Dyer, Zig Ziglar, Deepak
Chopra and Tony Robbins. Go To:

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*** How To Get Money For Anything Fast by Stuart Litchman ***
"Not since Maxwell Maltz released the classic Psycho-Cybernetics,
has there been such a remarkable book on the science of mind and
the physics of creativity as Stuart Lichtman and Joe Vitale's
'How to Get Lots of Money for Anything Fast'. And truly 'lots of
money' is the very least of it.

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*** The Most Powerful Personal Growth Tool On Earth ***
Experience powerful FREE on-line demo of what many describe as
"the most powerful personal growth/mind development tool on

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*** Discover the Fantastic Formula that Brings Wealth, Success
and Happiness! ***
In just three minutes, with only 3 steps, you can achieve
personal success and real happiness. John Harricharan - award-
winning author of the bestseller, When You Can Walk on Water,
Take the Boat.

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*** Quite Smoking is the most important thing you can do to
improve your health. ***
Ready to quit? We've got resources to help you do it. Stop
Smoking Now...

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Confidence, Depression, Self Esteem, Anxiety, Release Blocks,
phobias and more...

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3. No Regrets
Regrets can never be fully erased, yet they can be prevented.

One day soon you'll look back on today. Whether you look back
with regret or with satisfaction depends entirely on what you do
right now.

This moment right now is in your hands. Though there are plenty
of circumstances beyond your control, thoses things do not matter

nearly so much as the things you can control.

Your thoughts and your actions. Though the future is uncertain,
one thing about it is abundantly clear.

The more positively and completely you make full use of the
present, the more positive options you'll create for yourself no
matter what the future brings Imagine yourself looking back on
today from some point in the future.

What will you wish you had done?

Now is your one and only opportunity to do it.

What will you regret?

Now is the time to prevent those regrets?

Rather than setting yourself up to wonder "why didn't I?"

work to put yourself in the position to say " I'm glad I did"

-Author Unknown-

4. FREE copy of Sculptor 3
How does it work?

Simply refer a couple of friends to the Sculptor 3 web site and
we'll reward you with a FREE copy of "As A Man Thinketh" by James
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This month we are going to be rewarding the most active referrer
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Thank you so much for helping us spread the word about our
positive "Affirmations For The Mind" resource.

5. Are You Willing To Be Wealthy?
To your conscious mind, that may sound like a strange question.
But deeply ingrained subconscious beliefs may be holding you back
from what you consciously desire. When your thoughts are in
conflict, your results will be inconsistent at best, and failure
will tend to win out over success.

Fredric Lehrman wants you to know that you can resolve the
discrepancies between these levels of thought, so that your
subconscious mind will stop resisting and begin cooperating with
your conscious intentions, finally allowing you receive what you
work to achieve.

Filled with practical methods to retrain your mind, this course
shows how to organize your money before you spend it,
establishing habits that will free up your time and your
creativity. As the design of money in your life becomes clearer,
your social and business interactions will naturally fall into
harmony, and your personal financial options will expand along
the lines of your unique talents and interests.

This course will set your financial house on a new foundation.
You will learn how to:

* Plant thoughts in your mind like seeds in a garden
* Discover underlying beliefs about money and how to change them
* Use the Five Account System for practical money management
* Play "Prosperity Scrabble" to evolve money making ideas
* Transform surplus energy into a business that serves others
* Channel the pipeline of wealth into all areas of your life
* Have a stress-free relationship with money

The many true stories on these disks will help to open doors in
your thinking, and give you ideas that will generate concrete
actions and measurable results. Since the release of this course
in 1994, thousands of people have proven its effectiveness in
their own lives. One struggling secretary moved up to being a
top-bracket writer and lecturer in her field. A consultant to
leading US corporations and international banks said that the
principles work just as well at that level as for first-time
listeners who are struggling to pay the rent. It is safe to say
that you will never think of money the same way again after you
hear this course

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6. Ten Thoughts on Why Everything Counts
1. Every Choice Counts!
Every choice must have a purpose. Every choice counts. There are
no insignificant choices, no neutral actions. Even the smallest
gesture has a consequence, leading you toward or away from your
2. Reality Counts!
Reality is the foundation of success because reality is truth.
Reality is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Get this and you‚ve got it: Reality moves you towards your goals;
denial leads you away. There is only one reality!
3. Character Counts!
From the minute you open your eyes in the morning until they
close again for sleep each night, everything in between
complements or compromises your character. Every day˜for better
or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in
health˜character counts. It is more important to have character
than to be a character.
4. Self-Discipline Counts!
Self-discipline is a habit. It is not situational, but it is
applied situation by situation. Anyone can be self-disciplined on
occasion, but to get consistently positive results takes
consistency. It is the day-in, day-out practice of self-
discipline that determines where you'll end up. Every act of
self-discipline moves you toward your goals and every exception
takes you off course.
5. Personal Development Counts!
Growth and development is a lifelong pursuit: there's always some
polishing to do, knowledge to gain, and love to be deepened.
Self-development ends only when we run out of time. Life is a
work in progress, improvement never ends, and you never totally
arrive. You are, and will be for as long as you live, a self in
6. Excellence Counts!
The pursuit of excellence is not only politically correct, it is
also highly profitable. A commitment to excellence can help you
to capture true wealth and realize the inherent value of your
potential. You will never outlive its importance, usefulness, and
necessity. Its absence devalues potential, credibility, and
7. Failure Counts!
Failure serves an indispensable function in the production of
your success. It provides information and motivation for you to
learn from and apply. Failure is not only the output of an
unsuccessful activity; it is also the input for a successful one.
The bright side of failure is that it inspires improvement,
creativity, change, and most importantly, purposeful activity.
8. Health & Energy Counts!
Widen your moral purpose — vow not just to live longer, but to
live better, to have more energy, self-worth, and clarity. The
preservation of health is a duty. Few seem conscious that there
is such a thing as physical morality. You must take care of your
body because the day will come a time when it will no longer
tolerate your indifference.
9. Fun Counts!
An essential part of your journey is the pursuit of happiness.
Yet, the only way to maintain a sense of fun and play is to
consciously choose to make it a priority. Unfortunately, fun
seems to wind up on the bottom of the "To Do" list. You are the
conductor of mirth in your life, your own personal Clown Prince
of Mirth and Merriment.
10. Your Legacy Counts!
It's non-negotiable: You will leave a legacy. The question is not
whether you'll leave a legacy but what legacy you will leave! To
arrive at the point that you think seriously about your legacy,
you must reach a level of reality and commitment that represents
an eternity to follow. When you take the final bow, who will you
be? How will you enter eternity? Will you just be a footnote in
Gary Ryan Blair is President of The GoalsGuy. A visionary and
gifted conceptual thinker, Gary is highly regarded as a speaker,
consultant, strategic planner, and coach to leading companies
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7. Testimonial Of The Week
... I'll admit I really didn't believe Sculptor would work until I
tried it.

"Even my closest friend rolled her eyes when I told her I was
going to order it. It was actually my husband who really wanted
it. He's always looking for an easy way to make a buck. So I went
along with him thinking I'd just ask for our money back. Now I
wish we'd found Sculptor a long time ago. Sure my friends still
roll their eyes when I tell them how my life is changing. But
since we started using Sculptor, we have attracted a wealth
advisor into our lives and we're in the process of buying a
property that we estimate will generate about $60,000 profit for
us over the next few months. So I say, let them roll their eyes.
I KNOW it really works. While they wake up to the same-old same
old, I wake up wondering 'what will happen today?'"

-- Ila Scott-Ford

Check It Out For Yourself!

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8. Quote Of The Week
"The greatest fault of the day is the absence of stillness."

-- Hazrat Inayat Khan

If you like this newsletter please take a moment to forward it
to your friends, co-workers, colleagues or anyone else you think
might benefit from it.


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