

Hello - Fellow Success Seeker,

In this issue of "Affirmations for the Mind" Tips and Techniques
self-help Newsletter I will show you how to use affirmations for

To your success and empowerment,

Jeff Staniforth

1. The Affirmation Series - "Happiness"
Each issue of the "Affirmations For The Mind" Newsletter will
offer a selection of affirmations.

Today's affirmations are in the areas of - "Happiness":

-- Happiness
* I am happy
* I love myself
* I am a good person
* I like spending time with myself
* I respect myself
* My feelings are healthy
* My life is important
* Life is great
* I experience joy every day
* I am happy with the world

2. Glowing Testimonial
I wanted to share my experience with Sculptor because I find it
fascinating how quickly and in what context my affirmations
manifested themselves. I'm in my 2nd 12-day program and
absolutely love how I feel when I write out the affirmations.
Thank you for creating Sculptor. The software was written in
compassion and love for your fellow beings.

In Friendship

-- Carol

4. Anyway
People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind people may accuse you of selfish ulterior
motives; Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some
true enemies; Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and
frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough.
Give the world the best you've got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God; It was
never between you and them anyway.
-- Mother Theresa

8. Hypnotic Abundance Course
 Cody Horton Clinical Hypnotherapist
Hypnotic Abundance Course Learn Powerful Hypnotic Secrets that
absolutely work to bring you more vibrant health, abundance,
riches and unlimited happiness than you ever believed possible!

Cody Horton has combined Ancient Wisdom with Cutting-edge
Technology that creates Amazing Results Fast!

Do yourself the biggest favor and read more about this Once-in-a-
Lifetime Opportunity!

abundance, riches, vibrant health and unlimited happiness you
desire you are literally pushing it away from you. As your mind
keeps worrying and going over and over again about your perceived
lack of wealth, health and happiness you set up a vibratory
frequency to attract to you just what you don't want! Thus,
proving the power of negative attraction.

Learn how to manifest more wealth, health and happiness 500 times
faster . .. without effort using Cody's sit on your butt

YOUR MIND IS LIKE A COMPUTER! According to analysis, the
subconscious mind can record events and store information faster
than the most powerful computer ever built. It's important to
know that your mind works just like a computer. If your computer
has a virus and you add new software, the virus is still there to
create the challenges you encounter. However, if you eliminate
the virus and introduce the new software your computer would work
with surprising efficiency.

Well, the same thing happens with your subconscious mind. Most
people have faulty programming as a result of many years of
negative input. The negative emotions continue to keep running
and interfering with your success and sabotaging your wealth,
health and happiness. Therefore you want to clear out the
negativity that is driving your subconscious mind and introduce
the new programming to manifest the desired results fast!

SCIENCE SHOWS HYPNOSIS WORKS! Many scientific studies have shown
that individuals in an altered state of consciousness absorb and
retain new information and make life altering changes faster than
they would in a normal waking state of consciousness.

SO, WHAT'S THE SECRET? Release negative emotions instantly by
using the Abundance Technique! Discover how to use the Abundance
Technique to solve problems, improve relationships and watch the
money roll in.

As a special subscriber to "Affirmations For The Mind" you can
order the Hypnotic Abundance Course for *only* $195 plus $20
shipping and handling. That is $100 off the regular price of

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to Order You'll receive 8 CD's, 3 bonus CD's and a
workbook to create the startling results you deserve! You can
have the riches, unlimited happiness and vibrant health you want!
You don't want to miss out on this amazing offer!

-- Cody Horton Clinical Hypnotherapist
25958 Genesee Trail Road #211 Golden, CO

8. Earn money letting your friends know about Sculptor
Become an affiliate and start earning money simply by referring
friends to Sculptor.

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6. FREE copy of Sculptor 3
How does it work?

Simply refer a couple of friends to the Sculptor 3 web site and
we'll reward you with a FREE copy of "As A Man Thinketh" by James
Allen. eBook edition, a value of $10.95


This month we are going to be rewarding the most active referrer
with a FREE copy of "Sculptor 3", a value of $97.00

(You even get to check how many referrals the currently leader

To Refer a Friend Now!

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Winners announced at:
--> Click_Here

Thank you so much for helping us spread the word about our
positive "Affirmations For The Mind" resource.

8. Quote Of The Week
"Spiritual love is a position of standing with one hand extended
into the universe and one hand extended into the world, letting
ourselves be a conduit for passing energy."

-- Christina Baldwin

If you like this newsletter please take a moment to forward it
to your friends, co-workers, colleagues or anyone else you think
might benefit from it.


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