

Hello - Fellow Success Seeker,

In this issue of "Affirmations for the Mind" Tips and Techniques
self-help Newsletter I will show you how to use affirmations for

To your success and empowerment,

Jeff Staniforth

1. The Affirmation Series - "Concentration"
Each issue of the "Affirmations For The Mind" Newsletter will
offer a selection of affirmations.

Today's affirmations are in the areas of - "Concentration":

-- Concentration
* I can concentrate easily
* I can concentrate for a long time
* I can maintain concentration
* My concentration is improving
* I can hold an idea in my mind for a long time
* I can handle many ideas at the same time
* I am focused
* I find it easy to concentrate
* I think clearly at all times

2. Testimonials Of The Week
Jeff, I can't thank you enough for your system. My divorce was a
horrible situation. She destroyed my self-esteem and self-worth.
I really felt that no one would ever care about me much less love
me. Jeff believe me there were very tough times but I always had
sculptor 3 on with the subliminals printing at the bottom of the
screen all day and also used the affirmations and planning
portions of your program almost every day. I'm positive that
saved my life. I feel good about myself and extend my deepest
gratitude to you and your staff. If I can ever return the favor
to you, please let me know.

-- Bill

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3. *** Quick Update On Abundance Special ***
Since I sent out the time sensitive offer announcing "Hypnotic
Abundance Course" by Hypnotherapist Cody Horton, we received
quite a few questions from subscribers. I have asked Cody to take
a moment and answer some of these questions for you.

So without further delay, here are the top 3 most frequently
asked questions about the "Hypnotic Abundance Course"

FAQ #1 -- How is this course different from other prosperity

This course has a workbook and 8 Cd's with 4 bonus CD's to clear
out the unwanted energy in your subconscious mind that is keeping
you stuck.

FAQ #2 -- Are the CD's all in hypnosis session format.

No because there are times when you need to be conscious of
letting go of the unwanted thoughts and energy that no longer
serve you. Click-Here for a description of all the CD's

FAQ #3 -- What is the workbook all about.

The workbook assists you in working through your blocks and
bringing to the fore-front of your mind what is keeping you from
achieving what you want.

Thank you Cody...

The course is offered for $295.00 through and Jeff
bugged me (in a nice way) to offer "Affirmations For The Mind"
subscriber a BIG discount. So until July 30 3004 you have the
opportunity to purchase this course at the discounted price of
$195.00 plus shipping and handling.

I have used this course personally, and give it a big double
thumbs up. Cody teaches techniques that everyone should have
access to, excellent job... To learn more:

--> Click_Here

4. Personal Growth Products
At Last, Here's A Guaranteed No-Nonsense Way to Get everything
you want in your life in just 6 weeks, Based on Proven
Psychological and Spiritual Truths, Created by the Legendary

-- Dr. Robert Anthony

--> Click_Here to start manifesting Now!

Here's what minister Joe Vitale had to say about this course.

"Dr. Robert Anthony is a genius. His new audio program is
priceless. His completely revised and updated collection of books
– all classics proven to help people achieve their dreams – is an
incredible offer. I say grab this entire package now and manifest
your heart’s desires. This is a life-changing moment. Grab it!"

— Dr. Joe Vitale, author of the #1 best seller, Spiritual

Plus, you get 8 free gifts at no extra cost, follow this link to
check them out now:
--> Click_Here

5. Life's Little Instructions
Sing in the shower...

Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated...

Watch a sunrise at least once a year...

Leave the toilet seat in the down position...

Never refuse homemade brownies...

Strive for excellence, not perfection...

Plant a tree on your birthday...

Learn three clean jokes...

Return borrowed vehicles with the gas tank full...

Compliment three people every day...

Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them...

Leave everything a little better than you found it...

Keep it simple...

Think big thoughts but relish small pleasures...

Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know...

Floss your teeth...

Ask for a raise when you feel you're earned it...

Be forgiving of yourself and others...

Over tip breakfast waitresses...

Say "Thank you" a lot...

Say "Please" a lot...

Avoid negative people...

Buy whatever kids are selling on card tables in their front

Wear polished shoes...

Remember other people's birthdays...

Commit yourself to constant improvement...

Carry jumper cables in your trunk...

Have a firm handshake...

Send lots of Valentine cards. And Sign them, "Someone who thinks
you're terrific"...

Look people in the eye...

Be the first to say, "Hello"...

Use the good silver...

Return all things you borrow...

Make new friends but cherish the old ones...

Keep secrets...

Sing in a choir...

Plant flowers every spring...

Have a dog...

Always accept an outstretched hand...

Stop blaming others...

Take responsibility for every area of your life...

Wave at kids on school buses...

Be there when people need you...

Feed a stranger's expired parking meter...

Don't expect life to be fair...

Never underestimate the power of love...

Drink champagne for no reason at all...

Live your life as an exclamation, not an explanation...

Don't be afraid to say, "I made a mistake"..

Don't be afraid to say, "I don't know"...

Compliment even small improvements...

Marry only for love not for money...

Rekindle old friendships...

Count your blessings...

Call your mother....

And remember....

Embrace life because Tomorrow is another day!

-- Author Unknown

6. [[firstname]], win yourself a FREE copy of Sculptor 3
How does it work?

Simply refer a couple of friends to the Sculptor 3 web site and
we'll reward you with a FREE copy of "As A Man Thinketh" by James
Allen. eBook edition, a value of $10.95


This month we are going to be rewarding the most active referrer
with a FREE copy of "Sculptor 3", a value of $97.00

(You even get to check how many referrals the currently leader

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Winners announced at:
--> Click_Here

Thank you so much for helping us spread the word about our
positive "Affirmations For The Mind" resource.

7. Ten Insights on Failure
1. Failure & Perception

Put failure in the right perspective, it's an opportunity for
regrouping and evaluation while accepting the experience as part
of the journey of success. Rich lessons are the fruit of failure
and your can extract them at will.
2. Failure & Change

Change depreciates the value of past information, thus making
predictions difficult, ambiguous, and correspondingly risky. In
the presence of change, you must adjust your course-of-action to
align with desirable new realities.
3. Failure & Limitation

In a world of limitation, the fundamental question is not whether
people should accept failure. Rather, the question is how to
anticipate failure and redirect resources to grow from the
4. Failure & Information

Information scarcity will present itself somewhere, somehow,
sometime. The key is to learn from what this new failure teaches
and prevent it, if at all possible, from happening again.
5. Failure & Perfection

Perfection is unattainable, but failure is always possible! Any
assumption regarding perfection stands at odds with the most
fundamental premise of success: failure is inevitable.
6. Failure & Planning

Because the future is so hard to predict, we must attempt to
pierce uncertainties fog as best we can. Your goal is to estimate
and anticipate failures with tolerable precision.
7. Failure & Execution

Failure is not only the output of an unsuccessful activity; it is
also the input of a successful one. Performance only changes and
improves to the degree that you change and improve.
8. Failure & Mistakes

Those with an eye for success respond first by anticipating
mistakes. Second, we accept responsibility for them. Life is for
learning lessons and mistakes are some of your best teachers.
9. Failure & Consequence

Some look at failure as an extremely blunt instrument and
surrender their dreams because of its potential consequences.
Although tempting, do not allow the consequences of failure to
harden your heart.
10. Failure & Progress

The world is littered with the victims of failure. Yet failure
leads to victory. Use each failure as feedback in your constant
progression toward your goals. Our world is one of adjustment, of
conflict, and of mutual gains and losses. In short, of failure
and progress.


Gary Ryan Blair is President of The GoalsGuy. A visionary and
gifted conceptual thinker, Gary is highly regarded as a speaker,
consultant, strategic planner, and coach to leading companies
throughout the globe.

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8. Quote Of The Week
"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished
by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no help
at all."

-- Dale Carnegie

If you like this newsletter please take a moment to forward it
to your friends, co-workers, colleagues or anyone else you think
might benefit from it.


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Closing Comments ~ Feedback

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