

Hello Success-Seeker,

In this issue of "Affirmations for the Mind" Tips and Techniques self-help Newsletter I will show you how to use affirmations for "Being Love".

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To your continued success.

Jeff Staniforth

1. The Affirmation Series - "Being Love"
Each issue of the "Affirmations For The Mind" Newsletter will offer a selection of affirmations.

Today's affirmations are in the areas of - "Being Love":

-- Being Love?

  • I am now open to allow all the good the universe has for me
  • I am loved
  • I bring piece and love to all those I am with
  • I am calm, balanced, and centered
  • I have all the energy I require
  • I am a radiant being filled with light and love
  • I give of myself, and as a result it is return multiplied
  • I release all that is not server my higher purpose
  • I honor my deepest truth
  • I forgive myself and other


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2. Perspectives
One day a father and his rich family took his young son on a trip to the country with the firm purpose to show him how poor people can be. They spent a day and a night in the farm of a very poor family. When they got back from their trip the father asked his son, "How was the trip?"

Very good, Dad!"

"Did you see how poor people can be?" the father asked.

"Yeah!" "And what did you learn?"

The son answered, "I saw that we have a dog at home, and they have four. We have a pool that reaches to the middle of the garden, they have a creek that has no end. We have imported lamps in the garden, they have the stars. Our patio reaches to the front yard, they have a whole horizon.

When the little boy was finishing, his father was speechless.

His son added, "Thanks, Dad, for showing me how poor we are!" Isn't it true that it all depends on the way you look at things? If you have love, friends, family, health, good humor and a positive attitude toward life, you've got everything!

You can't buy any of these things. You can have all the material possessions you can imagine, provisions for the future, etc., but if you are poor of spirit, you have nothing!

-- Author Unknown


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4. Creating Change
 by - Karim Hajee

Do you ever get the feeling that aspects of your life just need to change but you don't know how to get started?

Creating Change

The first step to Creating Change is to know what you want to change. I know this may sound obvious but you have to be specific. If you don't know exactly what you want to change you cannot change anything. For example: You may want to improve your financial situation. Great! But what aspect of your financial situation needs to change? Do you need to make more money? Do you need to eliminate debts? Do you need to make more money and elminiate debt? You may want to have more time to yourself --good. But what needs to change? Do you need to spend less time doing things that waste your time? You may want to be in a relationship -- good. But what needs to change? Do you need to change the way you approach relationships? Do you need to go out more? Do you need to re-evaluate your criteria for relationships? You may want to improve your business -- so what needs to change? Do you need to get more customers? Do you need to make your advertising more effective? Now do you understand what I mean by being more specific.

The more specific you are the better you will understand what needs to change. Too often I hear people say: "Karim, my life is a mess. Everything needs to change." Usually it's not as bas as it seems -- they're just looking at all the things that are wrong in their life. If you feel that everything needs to change then let's start focusing on what exactly needs to change. Saying "everything" won't help you -- but if you focus on the key aspects then you can begin the process of creating the change you want.

So here's your first exercise, grab a notepad and pen and start writing down what you want to change or improve in your life. Remember - get specific - generic answers won't help you. The more specific you are the better and the sooner you'll be able to get the results you want.

Think of it this way, would you get into a taxi and tell the driver that you want to go anywhere or everywhere. No. You would be very specific about where you want to go. The same process applies in your life. When you get specific you instruct your mind and subconscious mind - you tell these two partners that this is what needs to change -- you're giving your mind and subconscious mind the directions they need to create the changes you want.

Students who work with my Creating Power system learn to get specific in the first week. They are forced to get their mind to focus on the changes that they want to create and they learn how to give specific instructions to their mind and subconscious mind. This is how you start creating the changes you want in life.

To learn more about Creating Power visit:

Understand The Process Of Change

A lot of times I hear from students who want to change or improve aspecst of their lives but they want this change to happen instantly. They've got to a point where they simply can't take it anymore and they want things to change overnight. This simply is not going to happen. The process of change can begin in an instant -- but the overall change is a process. Look at it this way - it took you a number of years to get to the where you are -- now you want to get to a completely different place in your life and it's not going to happen overnight. If you want to be in a terriric relationship -- you still have to meet them, date them and get to know them. You're not going to get married during the first date. If you want to make a million dollars a year you have to find a way to do this and go through the process.

Like nature our lives is a process. If you plant a seed it doesn't bloom overnight. There is a process involved. If you plant the seed of change in your mind you then have to go through the process. So what is this process?

Now that you know what you want to change think about what you need to do to make that change. I know some of you may say: "Karim, I need to make more money. It's that simple." Yes, it is that simple. But what can you do to make this happen. The answer I usually get is: "I don't know, if I knew that don't you think I would be doing it?"

Or I get the following: "I know what I need to do I'm just not doing it. How can you help me?"

Let me address the first common question. You do know what you need to do you're just not focusing on it. All of us have the ability to discover what we need to do in order to create the massive and dramatic changes in our lives. The problem is that too often many of us are not focusing on finding a solution, instead you waste your time and energy concentrating on the problem. When you learn to direct your mind and subconscious mind to focus on the solution you'll find it. If you focus on the problem you'll only create more problems. So if you don't think you know how to create the changes you want then you have to start looking at things a little differently. That means understanding and accepting that you do know how to go about creating the changes you want. Get comfortable with the idea that you can find a way to create the changes you want. Countless people have overcome what looked like incredible odds against them to achieve their goals. You may say: "Yeah, but they weren't living my life." No they weren't. But they didn't need to. They just needed to understand and believe that there was a way and they found a way. Think about this -- you've been trying it your way and you haven't got results - why not try a different approach? Why not focus on finding a solution instead of dismissing the possibility. So get out that notepad and pen and start writing down all the possible things you can do to achieve your goals. If you don't have a long list right now, that's okay - the more you think about it the longer that list will become.

Now let me answer that next question: "I know what I need to do but I just can't seem to get started." To that I say you're focusing on the wrong thing. Think about the result you want and not the process that you have to go through. Don't think about all the things you have to do - think about the result you want.

What I just outlined is very important and it is the reason why successful people are successful. They don't focus on the process of making millions or achieving success. They focus on the result - they focus on the outcome that they want. Once you start doing this you'll see yourself getting more and more motivated. When you work with my Creating Power system you'll learn to constantly focus on the result and while you're doing this you get your mind and subconscious mind to focus on that result -- thus they create the opportunities for you to succeed. With Creating Power you'll learn how to direct your mind and subconscious mind so that you start enjoying the life you want.

To learn more visit:

Are You Ready?

If you're tired of the way things are, if you're tired of not living the life you want then your getting an internal message telling you it's time for change. This is not the easiest thing to accept. In fact I meet more people who know they need to change certain aspects of their lives but refuse to because they are happy in their misery. Many people get comfortable with their existence and instead of enduring change -- the kind of change that would lead to a better life they would rather stay where they are and never have the life they want. Why does this happen? Because your mind is comfortable where it is. To change things can be challenging, it will require that you go through a process where you will eliminate many of the things that you are used to. It may mean moving, changing friends, changing jobs, doing something completely different. But you have to ask yourself would you rather stay where you are or would you rather be at a place where you are enjoying life? Think about it. In the meantime here's an example of the kind of changes that you can expect if you wanted to be with the right person in a loving relationship. Changes: You would no longer be on your own, free to do what you want when you want. You would no longer be alone in the evenings. You likely would have to move to another home, buy new furniture, share your treasured material belongings, welcome a new family into your life, share your family, have holiday get togethers, cook, clean, travel together, shop together, meet new friends, share your friends, etc. Get the idea.

When people see these changes coming they get scared, the mind resists and would rather go back to being alone instead of accepting and embracing the changes.

So if you want changes get ready for the changes. Don't expect things to stay the same and have change - the two don't work together. You have to embrace change in order to have the life you want. When you do that you open yourself up to greater possibilities. You effectively tell your mind and subconscious mind that you are ready for change and are willing to explore all possibilities. Once you do this you start moving in a new direction.

Students who work with my Creating Power system get their mind and subconscious mind to focus on what they want whilet they embrace the changes. There's an entire seciton in the course dedicated to understanding how to open yourself up to greater possibilities. This powerful technique alone will lead to greater changes - once you learn how to work with it. Start embracing change and start living the life you want by working with Creating Power.

If you're ready to change your life and achieve your goals then visit

Remember -- you only get one life and one chance. Make the most of it. Stop defeating yourself, stop limiting yourself. Create all the success you want and deserve in life. Let Creating Power teach you how to Create The Life You Want. Start Living Now.

To Learn more visit:

Sincerely, Karim Hajee Creating Power

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6. Quote Of The Week
"The best way to predict the future is to create it."

-- Peter Drucker


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