

Hello Success-Seeker,

Ways To Make Money

Have you ever thought about this question yourself: “What’s the BEST part of my job?”

As you may know, I’ve run or helped manage over 100 businesses. Every one was different. But none was ANYTHING like the one I’m in now, as author of “How to Get Lots of Money for Anything – FAST!”

Here’s what I mean. The best part of my job is getting up every morning and opening my email!

Why? Because I am so frequently delighted and amazed by the personal reports from the field that just keep pouring in. They’re truly amazing.

And want to share some of the most awe-inspiring ones with you… now!

So please, go ahead, take a look at them… see if they don’t inspire you as much as they inspire me.

For example, there’s this one from a couple in VERY tough real estate market…

“Allow me to share a personal story about how this material helped me this week.

“My wife and I rent. We made some mistakes when we were both in college that haven't allowed us to buy our own home quite yet. Right now, we live in an apartment in Oxnard, California. But we've slowly outgrown it. The children are bigger. We need more space.

“So it's time to move. Now for those who've been in our shoes before, the biggest problem with moving when you rent is not really moving. It's coming up with a security deposit. And when your credit is as terrible as ours is, the amounts expected for a security deposit are almost excessive. In fact, when a potential landlord asked us for a $8,000 deposit (first and last month's rent plus a $4,000 deposit) I told her that for that kind of money down, I should be buying the house.

“That's the background.

“To make a long story short. Brandy found the ‘perfect’ house, with plenty of space for the family AND a front and backyard (which is quite rare in California!). The problem. We needed to come up with a deposit. And we needed to do it in 3 days.

“I'll cut to the punch line. Using a technique I learned in Part 2 of Stuart's book, we received $1,800 cash in 18 hours...enough for the deposit AND more. Obviously, I can't and I don't promise that anything like that can happen to anyone else. All I can tell you is that Stuart's technology worked for me and my family. I believe that it's worth a shot for you to at least consider that it could work for you.

“Take a look at the book and decide for yourself. -Joe Jones, Jr.”

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That was heartwarming, don’t you agree?

But there’s another kind of satisfaction I get – and that’s when people set a target for themselves and, much to their surprise, they EXCEED it! Like this report:

“It's so amazing! I didn't think your theory will work for us. However, I want to test for myself. So I pick up a high goal for $8,000 by the end of January 2003. I practice to write my goal over 100 times everyday. At the beginning, I feel puzzled about that, but I use tools to clear my block.

“But I was wrong! I didn't call anybody for my service. Sales rush in silently. I couldn't stop! I have get nearly $12,530 at the end of January 2003. It's so amazing. Thank you for your work and wisdom!

“All the best, Daniel Williams, crystal shop owner”

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You know, most people get excited about the tangible results they get from this material. And I can appreciate that – “getting results” is the reason I developed these techniques.

But to me, it’s just as wonderful to hear about “inner results” -- reports of people developing a new confidence in themselves. That’s why I enjoyed this email so much:

“Hi Stuart, let me just say your product is amazing and has literally turned my life around. I now have so much confidence and it comes from an inner knowing that I can now achieve absolutely everything I've always dreamed of. Within 3 weeks of using your techniques, I now live in a house I've always dreamed of and what is better than that is I know this is just the beginning! This email wasn't intended to be a testimonial, it all just kind of popped out, so please free to use it for this purpose if you wish.

Thank you ever so much, Lydia”

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Now, what I’m about to tell you is supposed to be a secret. In fact, my marketing people will go ballistic if they find out I told you this, so please don’t tell them I did.

But, there is a series of “unadvertised bonuses” that comes with the book, and one of them is about how to find your perfect life (or business) partner. (You see, this book isn’t JUST about money… :)

I made an executive decision to reveal that information to you, because it’s important background for the next email you’re about to read:

“Hi Stuart! Just wanted to give you a quick update on my progress.

“I downloaded ‘How To Get Money for Anything Fast’ around October 12th, 2002. By the end of the year - using your CT/SA process - I had put a closer to a very challenging 3 1/2 year relationship; found who I believe to be the love of my life and had a 100% increase in business over the same period from the year before!

“I have done courses, seminars and read ‘tons’ of books on achievement for a better part of a dozen years. Your material, however, is by far the most powerful to date!

“I thank you for all your outstanding work and how you've helped me to achieve and pull out of a very challenging previous 18 months.

“I still have some exciting goals I am working through... will keep you posted!

“Robert Gutierrez iCommunicate, Inc.”

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And finally, when it comes to business, it’s important to keep track of the numbers – cash in, cash out, what’s left – that kind of thing. So, especially if you are in business for yourself, I thought you would enjoy reading this follow-up email from Robert:

“Hi Stuart! You know I just pulled a Quick Books report for the period of Oct 1- Dec 31, 2002 and the same period the previous year and my sales didn't increase by 100%! They increased - are you ready for this - over 400%! And gross profits increased over 460%!

“You know Stuart, I hadn't gone and looked at the hard numbers until something inside me said – ‘go look!’ I did, and that was the increase.


“Anyway, thought you might like to know!

“Best wishes,

“Rob G”

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So now you know the best part of my job! What about yours?

I truly hope you find the kind of joy and fulfillment in your life that is possible when you get on the path that is best for you. Part of my path is to help people find theirs… maybe you’ve noticed that by now. :)

Until next time, Stuart Lichtman

P.S. I hesitated to put this in, because it is on a touchy subject and it’s a little complicated technically. But if you have any seemingly impossible entanglements in your life situation, you may find this inspiring as well:

“Just wanted to let you know of the beginnings of a success story. I am in a very difficult situation with my ex-husband. His name is still on the stock certificate of the apartment that I thought I owned and he has 3 million dollars worth of judgments against him. I had to hire a real estate lawyer to get me out of this mess; so that I become the owner free and clear. My paragraph reads like this:

“The phone rings and the voice of my lawyer tells me I am approved for the assumption and assignment of the co-op. The judgements against ‘Roger’ [his real name has been deleted for obvious reasons] are not against the apartment. I now own this apartment free and clear. I can sell it or sublet it, and whatever profit I make is mine. I have resolved the issues with ‘Roger.’ Please make this or something better happen in ways that are for the highest good for me and for everyone involved.

“Well, Thursday evening around 7PM, my lawyer called to tell me that the lawyer for my co-op had given us the OK to put the stock certificate and proprietary lease in my name only!!!!!! I know I still have a ways to go for the entire thing to happen, but the hardest part is over. I will become the owner free and clear. Thank you.

‘Samantha’ [also, for the sake of privacy, not her real name]”

Now, if you would like new freedom and possibilities in your life, I promise my method is an absolutely reliable way to open the doors for you. In fact, I not only promise it – I GUARANTEE it.

That’s a bold claim, I know, but I’ve seen it happen over and over again for people who are ready to go for what they want.

Are you? Remember, there’s no risk… except the risk of getting used to finally having what you really want. :)

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QUOTE OF THE DAY: "There are those who Think and do not Act, and there are those who Act and do not Think; Top Performers Think and then Act."

-- John Kanary

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Ways To Make Money

This Newsletter was published by Jeff Staniforth, Australia’s Leading Motivational and Self-help Expert. To subscribe to the FREE “Affirmations For The Mind” Weekly Newsletter go to:


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