

Hello Success-Seeker,

This issue of "Affirmations for the Mind" Tips and Techniques self- help Newsletter I will show you how to use affirmations for gaining a Winning attitude.

We will also continue with our meditation series, a powerful practice that will enable you to receive greater benefits from your affirmation practice.

I also want to prepare you for something I think will be very exciting.

I have been talking with a good friend in the US, Cody Horton, Ph.D. She is a professional stage hypnotist and remarkable metaphysical author. We have been working on putting together an offer she wanted to present to the group. She is going all out to make this a blockbuster, value packed deal. I will let you know when she has it all together, but stay tuned, you will not want to miss out on this.

Also, I will continue to work on getting the eBook "As A Man Thinketh" together, will have it to you before next issue.

To your success and empowerment,

Jeff Staniforth

1. The Meditation Series
Welcome to the third article in the Meditation series.

Each week we will explore different aspects regarding meditation, including

* What is meditation?
* What can meditation achieve?
* What areas of your life can benefit by meditating?
* What different styles of meditation are there?
* How often should you meditate?
* What is the best support "tools" for meditation?
* How do you slow down your thoughts to meditate effectively?
* What is the best time and place to meditate + much more?

This week we will be discussing what styles of meditation are valuable.

Meditation as we have explained, is the technique used to find the gap between thoughts where you can access your higher self, God, angels or higher masters of teaching etc. We can also access our own subconscious and use these techniques to bring about healing in our body.

Some different styles available:

* Specific body headings such as Chakra balancing:
This style of meditation will lead you through a series of relaxation techniques where you breathe gently and direct your attention to different parts of your body. You may start by focusing on relaxing the toes, then move onto relax the ankles and some move up the body until you are completely relaxed and peaceful. A Chakra balance meditation will then lead you to visualize colors moving into and through each Chakra. Usually you will be directed to visualize the color red moving through the base Chakra, opening it and clearing it and seeing it spinning open and clear. Next you would move to the sacral Chakra and wash it with the color orange. This process is continued through each Chakra using the associated color to open and clear it. You may also be directed to see parts of your body releasing the red-hot energy of pain and having cool colors washing over the effected part of the body to release the pain and heal that area.

* Past life meditations:
In this style of meditation you are led through a corridor or over a bridge or along a road, any way to allow your body to define the difference with being here and moving back into time. As you step off the bridge or open the door you may be directed to look around you to see what time it is in history? Where are you, what country? Are you male of female? How old are you? Do you recognize anyone around you that may be in your life today? You may be asked to experience something from the past that has been causing you problems in this lifetime. It is while you are looking at this experience again that you may choose to send healing to that part of your life or even rewind it and visualize a different ending. This rewriting your history can reprogram the subconscious to accept new input and release old programs or disturbing memories. Past life meditations can be an interesting walk down memory lane. I have found that most of them will show you reasons why you are having problems in the now and give you the opportunity to heal those areas.

* Manifesting meditations:
This style of meditation will show you how to visualize the things that you want to bring into your life. It is in these meditations that you will be lead to visualize the perfect partner, the house or car that you want or the new job that you are looking for. You are usually guided to experience the visualization with all your senses and put the picture clearly into the subconscious. You are asked to feel it, smell it, touch it, taste it and feel and experience it is every way possible. This puts a clear picture of what you are ordering out there for it to come to you.

* Angel or Spirit Guide meditations:
In this style of meditation you are asked to call upon your angels or guides to come to you will guidance or specific information to questions that you may need answers to. This is a very powerful form of receiving guidance. You may also be introduced to you guides so that you know who they are and why they are here to help you at this time.

*Advanced learning or problem solving:
In this style of meditation you are shown how to access your subconscious or call upon a team of advisers to help you with specific learning or problem solving.

We hope you can join us next week when we explore more styles of meditation as well as

* How often should you meditate?

Thank you for sharing your time with us again. We look forward to being with you next time.

2. The Affirmation Series - "Winning"
Each issue of the "Affirmations For The Mind" Newsletter will offer a selection of affirmations.

Today's affirmations are in the area of - "Winning":

  • I always succeed
  • I love to win
  • I am a successful
  • I always get the outcome I desire
  • I am now achieving my greatest good
  • My dreams are now being realized
  • I now hold a strong focus on what I want to achieve
  • I easily move from one completed task to the next
  • I am becoming the best me I can
  • I am always in the right place at the right time
  • I challenge my self and always move forward successfully
  • I have massive inner drive
  • I am very self motivated
  • When focus on something I am unstoppable
  • I have a clear image of what I want to achieve

3. Tip "Learning how to turbo charge your affirmation practice."

We now want to combine the powerful state of meditation to easily implant the affirmation into the subconscious mind.

Follow these simple steps. (Internet connection required)

1. Select an affirmation for the above examples that you would like to see manifests.

2. Be still, and repeat the affirmation silently to yourself for a couple of minutes.

3. What I would like you to do now is use a FREE online meditation program.

Use the following link to go to this site now:

Scroll down and select the "Demo" option at the bottom of the screen.

Follow the instruction to familiarize yourself with how the demo program works.

Now, listen to the demo for a couple of minutes to quite the mind, this will happen quite naturally while listening to the meditation demo. That is what it was designed for, so no effort on your part required.

When you feel your mind getting still, gently bring the affirmation you selected above into you awareness... and gently repeat it for a couple more minutes...

Then allow you mind to relax some more... and continue with the meditation demo program, and enjoy the experience.

When your have finished with the demo, gently bring yourself back to a gently, yet alert, awake state. Take a couple few deep breaths, have a good stretch, and be back in the room where you are.

Now, don't be surprised if you start seeing some wonderful result starting to manifest in your life.

By combining the affirmation with this meditation practice really is going to take the effectiveness of your affirmation practice a whole new level. Please, don't skip this meditation step, it is so powerful to correct use of our affirmation practice.

Here's the link again:

Now, we suggest you repeat this exercise daily. It will only take about five minutes and the results will be more that worth the investment of time.

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4. QUOTE OF THE DAY: "Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourself a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find a joy in overcoming obstacles."

-- Helen Keller 1880-1968

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This article was published by Jeff Staniforth, Australia’s Leading Motivational and Self-help Expert. To subscribe to the FREE “Affirmations For The Mind” Weekly Newsletter go to:


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