

Hello Success-Seeker,

Thank you for subscribing to the "Affirmations For The Mind" Free Newsletter!

In this issue...
1. The Affirmation Series - "Ideal Relationship With Money"
2. Guide to Affirmations Tip
3. What other are saying about Sculptor
4. "One God - Know Thy Self"

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Thank you for your continued interest and support!

#1 The Affirmation Series - Issue (Part 6 of 7)
How is your relationship with money?
How do you feel about money?

What are some of the positive/negative beliefs you have about money?

How often do we ask such questions? Not often enough for many folks.

Regrettably, for many, acquiring prosperity is a hoping/wishing game, acquired by some, but not themselves.

My intention for this article, "My Ideal Relationship With Money," is to help you recreate your relationship with money. Contemplate the affirmations listed below often, and use them as the basis for your affirmation practice.

If any of the affirmations make you feel uncomfortable, they probably conflict with your negative beliefs regarding money. Review your "7 Part Affirmation Course" for instructions on working more specifically with these situations.

You might like to print out these affirmations and keep them in a place where you can view them often. Maybe the fridge, beside your bed ­ you decide.

While working with these affirmations, be fully conscious that it is your intention to have a NEW, loving, positive, spiritual relationship with money. You want money to be your friend. If any negative beliefs come up, thank them for being with you, while affirming your new desired money relationship.

In the following affirmations I use the term God to define a spiritual source. If you are uncomfortable with this, simply replace it with your spiritual equivalent.

My Ideal Relationship With Money - Affirmations:

* I am now open to receive the abundant good that God has for me…
* God is the source of all my good, I look only to Him for my supply…
* I envision only that which is for my highest good…
* I speak only good, kind, loving and harmonious words…
* I now release all fear, worry and doubt into the loving arms of God…
* All that the Father has is mine, I rejoice in it now…
* I now let go and let God work in my financial affairs…
* I think only loving, positive and uplifting thoughts…
* Money is positive, money is my friend…
* I am now open to receive the abundant good that God has for me…
* It is good to be wealthy…
* God wants me to share in His good fortune…
* I use my wealth wisely…
* I now decree to God that I am ready to receive His abundance…
* Financial success is mine, I accept it now…
* I send out in thought only that which I desire to have returned…
* The good I send out in thought, comes back to me multiplied…
* I now have a clear and open connection with my higher self…
* Money is coming to me easily and effortlessly…
* I love the work I do, it is a part of God's divine plan…
* I am now one with infinite intelligence…
* I am an open channel expressing God's will…
* God is guiding me in everything I do…
* I deserve to be rich ­ I accept it now…
* God goes before me making everything right…
* I now live in a loving harmonious universe…
* God is abundant, I am one with God…
* As a loving father, God wants me to enjoy His good wealth…
* Success is mine, I accept it now…
* I now decree to God my intention to share His wealth…
* I use my money wisely for the good of all…
* Money is circulating freely in my life…
* Money comes to me in many ways, through God…
* I am divinely guided in all that I do…
* The Lord wants me to be prosperous ­ I say YES!…
* I now gives thanks to a loving, abundant God.

To help you with effortless programming we have created a screen saver containing all these affirmations. We have decided to give it away FREE to purchasers of the Sculptor Method affirmation program. See the following link for ordering instructions.

Note, this is not one of the "7 FREE BONUSES" we give away with Sculptor. This is only being offered to subscribers of this “Affirming Life” FreeZine. In the future we will sell this as a separate product.

CURRENT SCULPTOR USERS - This is a great opportunity for you to add these affirmations to your success resources. We suggest you copy the above affirmations into the "Subliminal Message" bonus program.

By doing this, you can TRIPLE THE POWER of affirmations
1. You’ll use them with "Sculptor" in your daily affirmation practice

2. You’ll get a "Screen Saver" to empower you during computing time out periods

3. Add them to your "Subliminal Message" program and effortlessly program your subconscious while you’re working with other Windows applications.

For more information on how Sculptor Method software can propel you toward achieving your dreams, please visit our web site: Go to:

#2 Guide to Affirmations Tip
- Persistence -
Practicing affirmations with persistence achieves results much sooner than practicing them periodically. Successive sessions will have a compounding effect.

-- Extract from "Guide to Affirmations" by Jeff Staniforth

#3 What others are saying about Sculptor
If you are anything like me, before you purchase a product you would like to hear what others have to say about it. With this in mind, I would like to present you with the following comments we have received from current Sculptor users.

"…I was blown away."
"I have used your Sculptor method and was awestruck at its beauty, simplicity and utility. It's a very practical, wonderful tool. I was blown away by its practicality…
I just love it."

- John Harricharan
Author of best-selling When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat

"…an incredible product."
"What an incredible product. I am absolutely amazed that there
is something finally so wonderful on the market".

- Editor / Publisher
Power of One, Metaphysical Magazine

"…exactly what I needed
"Sculptor helped me take control of what should be in everyone's head, "my own life." I was using it for the simplest things to the most significant things. It supplied exactly what I needed, and it reminded me every day hat the success is within me."

- Liselotte, Sculptor user

"…no finer computer program on affirmations." "If you want to follow Henry David Thoreau's suggestion about sculpting your life by changing your thoughts, you may want to receive some help from software. You will find no finer computer program on affirmations than Jeff Staniforth's Sculptor. The program… includes an affirmation-writing course. It also offers a superb subliminal message program, so you can subliminally flash your messages on your computer screen as you work with other programs. Sculptor offers a lot more, so if you are serious at all about practicing affirmations, their web site is a must-see."

- Chuck Gallozzi
Author - Roadblocks to Happiness and How to Overcome Them

"…enriched the experience"
"I have used a similar methodology which was not computer based and found that Sculptor simplified and enriched the experience for me a great deal.

- Diane Brennan, Sculptor user

To order your copy of Sculptor now, Go to:

#4 One God - “Know Thy Self"
Religions throughout the ages have proclaimed that humanity is but one big family. Most of the principles followed by one religion are also echoed by another.

To help gain a better understanding of just how similar the various religions are, I present the following collection of writings based on the principle of "Know Thy Self."

Note, a different principle is introduced in each issue of the "Affirming Life" eZine.

Easily seen are others' faults, hard indeed to see are one's own. Like chaff one winnows others' faults, but one's own one hides, as a crafty fowler conceals himself by camouflage.
- Buddhism

Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, “Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,” when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.
- Christianity

When you have gotten your own life straightened out, things will go well without your giving orders. But if your own life isn't straightened out, even if you give orders, no one
will follow them.
- Confusianism

One's own self conquered is better than all other people; not even a god, a Gandharva, not Mara with Brahman could change into defeat the victory of a man who has vanquished himself, and always lives under restraint.
- Hinduism

They who quarrel with others, instead of quarreling with their own hearts, waste their lives.
- Sikhism

He who knows other men is discerning; he who knows himself is intelligent.
- Taoism

From the mind is one's character derived; controlled by mind, made by mind. Mind is the source either of bliss or of corruption. By oneself is evil done; by oneself one suffers; by oneself is evil avoided; by oneself one is purified. Purity and impurity belong to oneself, no one can purify another. You yourself must make the effort..
- Buddhism

Looking Forward to Meeting Again Soon!
Remember "The same light shines through many windows"
-- My friend Phil.

"Practice random deeds of kindness, and senseless acts of beauty.

This article was published by Jeff Staniforth, Australia’s Leading Motivational and Self-help Expert. To subscribe to the FREE “Affirmations For The Mind” Weekly Newsletter go to:


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