

Hello Success-Seeker,

Thank you for subscribing to the "Affirmations For The Mind" Free Newsletter!

In this issue...
1. The Affirmation Series - "Ideal Weight, Perfect Body"
2. One God - "Man Is Created In God's Image"
3. FREE FlightWaves Audio
4. A Sandpiper To Bring You JOY!

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#1 The Affirmation Series - "Ideal Weight, Perfect Body"
Each issue of the Affirming Life eZine will offer a selection of affirmations.

Today's affirmations are in the area of - Ideal Weight, Perfect Body:

* I now easily attain my ideal weight.
* I love myself, therefor I eat only those foods that are good for me.
* I am self-disciplined, I can easier reach my weight goals.
* I now live a healthy lifestyle and exercise daily.
* I now eat only those food that are good for me.
* I now find it easy to attain my ideal weight
* I set goals and achieve them easier

#2 One God - "Man Is Created In God's Image"
Religions throughout the ages have proclaimed that humanity is but one big family. Most of the principles followed by one religion are also echoed by another.

To help gain a better understanding of just how similar the various religions are, I present the following collection of writings based on the principle of "Man Is Created In God's Image"

Note, a different principle is introduced in each issue of the "Affirming Life" eZine.

God is concealed in ever heart; his light is in every heart.
- Sikhism

Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwelleth in you.
- Christianity

God created man is His image, in the image of God created He him.
- Judaism

The individual soul is nothing else in essence than universal soul.
- Hinduism

On God's own nature has been molded man's
- Islam

#3 FREE FlightWaves Audio
Thought you'd want to check out this web site. It covers the basic principle of manifestation or literally CREATING your reality! There is a "free download" section that contains samples of Bob's seminar, plus you can download some meditations audio files that you can listen to right away!

Also, be sure and check out the FREE Alpha sound files.

I have personally completed this training and highly recommend it, you won't be sorry you checked out this information. Visit their web site at:

#4 A Sandpiper To Bring You JOY! - a true story
She was six years old when I first met her on the beach near where I live. I drive to this beach, a distance of three or four miles, whenever the world begins to close in on me. She was building a sandcastle or something and looked up, her eyes as blue as the sea.

"Hello," she said. I answered with a nod, not really in the mood to bother with a small child.

"I'm building," she said. "I see that. What is it?" I asked, not caring. "Oh, I don't know, I just like the feel of sand."

That sounds good, I thought, and slipped off my shoes. A sandpiper glided by. "That's a joy," the child said. "It's a what?" "It's a joy. My mama says sandpipers come to bring us joy."

The bird went gliding down the beach. "Good-bye joy," I muttered to myself, "hello pain," and turned to walk on. I was depressed; my life seemed completely out of balance.

"What's your name?" She wouldn't give up. "Robert," I answered. "I'm Robert Peterson." "Mine's Wendy... I'm six." "Hi, Wendy." She giggled. "You're funny," she said. In spite of my gloom I laughed too and walked on. Her musical giggle followed me. "Come again, Mr. P," she called. "We'll have another happy day."

The days and weeks that followed belonged to others: a group of unruly Boy Scouts, PTA meetings, and an ailing mother. The sun was shining one morning as I took my hands out of the dishwater. "I need a sandpiper," I said to myself, gathering up my coat. The ever-changing balm of the seashore awaited me. The breeze was chilly, but I strode along, trying to recapture the serenity I needed. I had forgotten the child and was startled when she appeared.

"Hello, Mr. P," she said. "Do you want to play?" "What did you have in mind?" I asked, with a twinge of annoyance. "I don't know, you say." "How about charades?" I asked sarcastically. The tinkling laughter burst forth again. "I don't know what that is." "Then let's just walk." Looking at her, I noticed the delicate fairness of her face. "Where do you live?" I asked. "Over there." She pointed toward a row of summer cottages. Strange, I thought, in winter. "Where do you go to school?" "I don't go to school. Mommy says we're on vacation." She chattered little girl talk as we strolled up the beach, but my mind was on other things.

When I left for home, Wendy said it had been a happy day. Feeling surprisingly better, I smiled at her and agreed.

Three weeks later, I rushed to my beach in a state of near panic. I was in no mood to even greet Wendy. I thought I saw her mother on the porch and felt like demanding she keep her child at home.

"Look, if you don't mind," I said crossly when Wendy caught up with me, "I'd rather be alone today."

She seems unusually pale and out of breath. "Why?" she asked. I turned to her and shouted, "Because my mother died!" and thought, "My God, why was I saying this to a little child?" "Oh," she said quietly, "then this is a bad day." "Yes," I said, "and yesterday and the day before and-oh, go away!" "Did it hurt? " she inquired. "Did what hurt?" I was exasperated with her, with myself. "When she died?" "Of course it hurt!" I snapped, misunderstanding, wrapped up in myself. I strode off.

A month or so after that, when I next went to the beach, she wasn't there. Feeling guilty, ashamed and admitting to myself I missed her, I went up to the cottage after my walk and knocked at the door. A drawn looking young woman with honey-colored hair opened the door.

Hello," I said. "I'm Robert Peterson. I missed your little girl today and wondered where she was."

"Oh yes, Mr. Peterson, please come in. Wendy spoke of you so much. I'm afraid I allowed her to bother you. If she was a nuisance, please, accept my apologies."

"Not at all-she's a delightful child," I said, suddenly realizing that I meant what I had just said.

"Wendy died last week, Mr. Peterson. She had leukemia. Maybe she didn't tell you."

Struck dumb, I groped for a chair. I had to catch my breath. "She loved this beach; so when she asked to come, we couldn't say no. She seemed so much better here and had a lot of what she called happy days. But the last few weeks, she declined rapidly...Her voice faltered, "She left something for you if only I can find it. Could you wait a moment while I look?"

I nodded stupidly, my mind racing for something, to say to this lovely young woman. She handed me a smeared envelope, with "MR. P" printed in bold childish letters. Inside was a drawing in bright crayon hues--a yellow beach, a blue sea, and a brown bird. Underneath was carefully printed:


Tears welled up in my eyes and a heart that had almost forgotten to love opened wide. I took Wendy's mother in my arms. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," I muttered over and over, and we wept together.

The precious little picture is framed now and hangs in my study. Six words -- one for each year of her life -- that speak to me of harmony, courage, and undemanding love.

A gift from a child with sea-blue eyes and hair the color of sand -- who taught me the gift of love.

NOTE: This is a true story. It serves as a reminder to all of us that we need to take time to enjoy living and life and each other. "The price of hating other human beings is loving oneself less." Life is so complicated; the hustle and bustle of everyday traumas can make us lose focus about what is truly important or what is only a monetary setback or crisis. This weekend, be sure to give your loved ones an extra hug, and by all means, take a moment -- even if it is only ten seconds -- to stop and smell the roses.

This comes from someone's heart, and is shared with many and now I share it with you. May God Bless everyone that receives this! There are NO coincidences! Everything that happens to us happens for a reason. Never brush aside anyone as insignificant. Who knows what they can teach us?

--Author Unknown

Looking Forward to Meeting Again Soon!
Remember "The same light shines through many windows"
-- My friend Phil.

"Practice random deeds of kindness, and senseless acts of beauty.

This article was published by Jeff Staniforth, Australia’s Leading Motivational and Self-help Expert. To subscribe to the FREE “Affirmations For The Mind” Weekly Newsletter go to:


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