

Hello Success-Seeker,

Thank you for subscribing to the "Affirmations For The Mind" Free Newsletter!

In this issue...
1. The Affirmation Series - "Receiving Guidance"
2. One God - "Give Up Anger"
3. A Red Marble
4. How are you feeling?

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#1 The Affirmation Series - "Receiving Guidance"
Each issue of the Affirming Life eZine will offer a selection of affirmations.

Today's affirmations are in the area of - "Receiving Guidance":

* I am open to do what the universe would have me do.
* I am open to receive the guidance of the universe.
* I am now divinely guided in all my ways.
* All things are coming together for the greatest good.
* My greatest good is being revealed to me now.
* I look only go God for guidance.
* I now have a clear and open connection to my inner guidance.
* God's light goes before me making clear my way.
* I am a channel for creative expression.
* I now tune in and receive guidance from my inner guides
* I listen to and act on inner guidance when the feeling is positive.

I love to practice affirmations, if you use them also I am sure your will too, repeat these affirmation to yourself throughout the day. You don't have to believe them initially, faith will come with practice. Visit our web site to find out more about the Sculptor affirmation software program.

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#2 One God - "Give Up Anger"
Religions throughout the ages have proclaimed that humanity is but one big family. Most of the principles followed by one religion are also echoed by another.

To help gain a better understanding of just how similar the various religions are, I present the following collection of writings based on the principle of "Give Up Anger".

Note, a different principle is introduced in each issue of the "Affirming Life" eZine.

Let not the sun go down upon your wrath
- Christianity

He who is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly
- Judaism

He who gives up anger attains God.
- Hinduism

Let us cease from wrath and refrain from anger gestures.
- Shintoism

He who holds back rising anger like a rolling chriot, him I call a real driver; others only hold the reins.
- Buddhism

#3 A Red Marble
During the waning years of the depression in a small southeastern Idaho community, I used to stop by Mr. Miller's roadside stand for farm fresh produce as the season made it available. Food and money were still extremely scarce and bartering was used, extensively.

One particular day Mr. Miller was bagging some early potatoes for me. I noticed a small boy, delicate of bone and feature, ragged but clean, hungrily apprising a basket of freshly picked green peas. I paid for my potatoes but was also drawn to the display of fresh green peas.

I am a pushover for creamed peas and new potatoes. Pondering the peas, I couldn't help overhearing the conversation between Mr.Miller and the ragged boy next to me.

"Hello Barry, how are you today?"

"Hello Mr. Miller, Fine, thank you. Just admiring those peas... sure look good."

"They are good, Barry. How's your Mother?"

"Fine. Getting stronger all the time."

"Good. Anything I can help you with?"

"No, Sir. Just admiring those peas."

"Would you like to take some home?"

"No, Sir. I don't have anything to pay for them with."

"Well, what have you to trade me for some of those peas?"

"All I have is my prize marble here."

"Is that right? Let me see it."

"Here it is. She's a dandy."

"I can see that. Hmmmm, only thing is this one is blue and I sort of go for red. Do you have a red one like this at home?"

"Not exactly...but, almost."

"Tell you what. Take this sack of peas home with you and next trip this way let me look at that red marble."

"Sure will. Thanks, Mr. Miller."

Mrs. Miller, who had been standing nearby, came over to help me. With a smile she said: "There are two other boys like him in our community, all three are in very poor circumstances. Jim just loves to bargain with them for peas, apples, tomatoes or whatever."

"When they come back with their red marbles, and they always do, he decides he doesn't like red after all and he sends them home with a bag of produce for a green marble or an orange one, perhaps."

I left the stand, smiling to myself, impressed with the man. A short time later I moved to Utah but I never forgot the story of this man, the boys and their bartering.

Several years went by each more rapid than the previous one. Just recently I had occasion to visit some old friends in that Idaho community and while I was there learned that Mr. Miller had died. They were having his viewing that evening and knowing my friends wanted to go, I agreed to accompany them. Upon our arrival at the mortuary we fell into line to meet the relatives of the deceased and to offer whatever words of comfort we could.

Ahead of us in line were three young men. One was in an army uniform and the other two wore nice haircuts, dark suits and white shirts...very professional looking. They approached Mrs. Miller, standing smiling and composed, by her husband's casket. Each of the young men hugged her, kissed her on the cheek, spoke briefly with her and moved on to the casket. Her misty light blue eyes followed them as, one by one, each young man stopped briefly and placed his own warm hand over the cold pale hand in the casket. Each left the mortuary, awkwardly, wiping his eyes. Our turn came to meet Mrs. Miller.

I told her who I was and mentioned the story she had told me about the marbles. Eyes glistening she took my hand and led me to the casket. "Those three young men, that just left, were the boys I told you about. They just told me how they appreciated the things Jim "traded" them. Now, at last, when Jim could not change his mind about color or size...they came to pay their debt.

"We've never had a great deal of wealth of this world," she confided, but, right now, Jim would consider himself the richest man in Idaho."

With loving gentleness she lifted the lifeless fingers of her deceased husband. Resting underneath were three, magnificently shiny, red marbles.

We will not be remembered by our words, but by our kind deeds.

Author Unknown

#4 How are you feeling?
* How are you feeling today ?
* How do you feel right now ?

I'd like to invite you to consider the investment in the past you've made both financially and in terms of time in your personal development.

I chose to become a professional seeker. I've invested years and thousands of dollars into seeking out the best way to help others get everything out of life they want. I love personal development, like Ted Williams loved talking about hitting a baseball. It feeds my soul; it's my passion.

And as such, I've tried every program I could get my hands on. Gleaning what worked and what didn't including everything from Anthony Robbins to A Course in Miracles.

I set goals. I thought positive. I achieved results.

And, I continued to seek. Why? To be honest, I might still be trying to figure that question out but fortunately someone else discovered it for me.

Lester Levenson, developer of the Sedona Method, was a very successful man in material terms. And then his body broke down at the age of 42. Doctors gave him months to live - if he rested in his bed.

But, Lester wasn't ready to give up. And, so he began to look inside. How could someone so worldly successful, feel so unsuccessful, unhappy and ill?

What Lester discovered was the ultimate goal everyone seeks in life; Happiness without sorrow. Some seek it through religion. Others seek it through material gain and worldly success. And, still others seek it through their addictions or other self-defeating habits.

You see, Lester discovered the key to happiness is letting go of what we think will make us happy in order to experience the power of NOW - and in so doing we are more able to create what we really want in our life.

For example, imagine how you might feel if you were going to play bigger than you have ever played before. Do you feel a little nervous? A little anxious? A little fearful of failure?

Why is that? Is it a lack of positive thinking? Do you need to read another personal development book or need more training? Probably not.

The key is the feelings you have attached to the situation. And, the more you want something, the stronger the feelings. And, sometimes - maybe even often times - those feelings are so strong that we do nothing. And, then we may even feel bad about ourselves for doing nothing, creating even more feelings.

Lester found the key is to be able to detach your ego and your feelings to a state of what he called "hoot-less-ness". When you can truly walk into that situation with a feeling of peace and calm regardless of outcome, you have achieved mastery over your mind. And, you are then free to create whatever you want.

Could you achieve mastery over your mind by thinking positive? Could you achieve mastery through using a technique such as NLP? Quite possibly, but these techniques have limitations - they are limited to one thought at time. And, only to those thoughts we are conscious of.

By learning to release your feelings using the Sedona Method, you will simultaneously "undo" the years of accumulated thoughts - both conscious and subconscious - that you
associate with the feeling. Far more powerful. Far more effective.

Remember when I said Lester only had months left to live? Well, Lester went on to live another amazing 42 years! During the remainder of his life and since his work has reached thousands of people world-wide, been proven effective by a Harvard University study, endorsed by the likes of Mark Victor Hansen, Gay Hendricks, Deepak Chopra, Alan Cohen, Michael Gerber and many other notables of our time.

If you are ready to stop seeking and discover the simple yet powerful secrets Lester did, then take a look at the Sedona Method. The course comes with an unconditional money back guarantee and phone support to help you achieve the biggest breakthroughs of your life - whether they be lowering your stress level and improving your health, creating the relationships you've always dreamt of or earning whatever you
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Looking Forward to Meeting Again Soon!
Remember "The same light shines through many windows"
-- My friend Phil.

"Practice random deeds of kindness, and senseless acts of beauty.

This article was published by Jeff Staniforth, Australia’s Leading Motivational and Self-help Expert. To subscribe to the FREE “Affirmations For The Mind” Weekly Newsletter go to:


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