

Hello - Fellow Success Seeker,

Welcome to the July issue of AffirmWare's
"Affirmations For The Mind" monthly eZine:

Do you want to Unsubscribe?? Gasp!! Directions at the
end of the newsletter!

In this issue...
1. "Sculptor3"
2. "One God - Honesty"
3. "New-AgesShop - Big Discounts!"
4. "Light"
5. "Personal Growth Products & Services"
6. "Meditation"
7. "Removal"

If You Like This Newsletter, please take a moment to
forward it to your friends, co-workers, colleagues
and anyone else that you think might be interested.

Thank you for your continued support!

#1 Sculptor3
Work on Sculptor3 is in its final stage. We are planning a
release for early August. This is a little over due, sorry
for any inconvenience, we are sure it will be worth the wait.
We have included all the features our current users asked for.

Also, a big thank you all the beta tester whose feedback has
been a great help.

#2 One God - Honesty
Religions through out the ages have proclaimed that humanity
is but one big family. Most of the principles followed by
one religion are also echoed by another.

To help gain a better understanding of just how similar the
various religions are, I present the following collection of
writings based on the principle of "Honesty".

Note, we will be introducing a different principle in each
issue of the "Affirmations For The Mind" eZine.

"Blessed is he that perceiveth, and speaketh the pure truth."
- Baha'i Faith - Baha'u'llah

He who utters true speech, instructive and free from harshness,
so that he offends no one--Him I call a Brahmana.
- Buddhism

Wherefore, putting away lying; speak every man truth with his
neighbor: for we are members one of another.
- Christianity Ephisians 4:25

Tzu-chang asked about getting on with people. The Master
said, "Be loyal and true to your every word, serious and careful
in all you do, and you will get on well enough even though you
find yourself among barbarians. But if you are disloyal and
untrustworthy in your speech, frivolous and careless in your
acts, even though you are among your own neighbors, how can you
hope to get on well?"
- Confucianism Analects 15.5

Let your conduct be marked by truthfulness in word, deed, and
- Hinduism Taittiriya Upanishad

And do not mix up the truth with falsehood; nor hide the truth
while you know (it).
- Islam Qu'ran 2.42

Straight forwardness and honesty in the activities of one's body,
speech, and mind lead to an auspicious path.
- Jainism Tattvarthasutra

These are the things that ye shall do; Speak ye every man the
truth to his neighbor; execute the judgment of truth and peace
in your gates.
- Judaism Zechariah

If you plot and connive to deceive men, you may fool them
for a while, and profit thereby, but you will without fail be
visited by divine punishment. To be utterly honest may have the
appearance of inflexibility and self- righteousness, but in the
end, such a person will receive the blessings of sun and moon.
Follow honesty without fail.
- Shinto

Be honest like Heaven in conducting your affairs.
- Taoism - Tract of the Quiet Way

May the true-spoken word triumph over the false-spoken word which
destroys the holy order.
- Zoroastrianism Yasna 60.5

#3 New-AgesShop - Big Discounts!
New-AgesShop - Big Discounts!
Offering a variety of resources designed to enhance personal
and professional development. Audio downloads, audio cassettes,
CD programs, and more. Your online self improvement store, Go To:
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AOL Users Click Here</a>

#4 Light
The lamp of your body is your eye; when therefore your eye is
bright, your whole body will also be lighted.
--Luke 11:34

A candle loses nothing by lighting another.
--author unknown

We may be of different colors, cultures, and speak different
languages. But we are all infused with the spark of God's dignity.
Be a carrier of the flame: Honor that spark in yourself and look
for the light in others.
--Mary Manin Morrissey

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle, or the
mirror that reflects it.
--Edith Wharton

 You are a candle of the Lord, and the light of God shines
within you. Remember this, as you move about this holiday season,
spreading love and good cheer. Whether you know it or not, the
light of God glows brightly within you, and how you shine your
light to others does make a difference. Not only to yourself, but
to others as well.

 A friendly smile, a kind word, a gentle touch, can brighten
someone else's day. Also, if you see someone in need of assistance,
you can shine your light by offering to help them. However you
shine your light is up to you, but do know that the way your light
glows, is how your love flows. So now, how do you want your love
to flow?

 A good affirmation to say this week is this; "I know the
light of God glows within me, and I want to shine my light for
all to see." Then, go about your day, spreading joy, comfort,
love, and happiness to all you see, speak with, or think about.
--Rev. Thomas Gordy, Founding Minister Divine Light Church of
Religious Science

Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.
--Maya Angelou

#5 Personal Growth Products and Services
Helping You Achieve Higher Spiritual Awareness. These
recordings offer advice from business authors, inspirational
speakers, and personal skill trainers such as: Wayne Dyer,
Zig Ziglar, Deepak Chopra and Tony Robbins.
Go To:
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AOL Users Click Here</a>

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and Happiness! ** In just three minutes, with only 3 steps, you
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Beyond the knowledge of business and its complexities, way
beyond the expertise of advertising gurus and marketing
mavens, there is a place where the seeds of success germinate.
Find this place and personal success and real happiness will
be yours.

John Harricharan - award-winning author of the bestseller
When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat.
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only important to have written goals, but you must have a
plan to reach your goals. My Goals is the complete program
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accelerates personal and spiritual growth, guaranteed.
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#6 Meditation
Meditation gives you an opportunity to come to know your Higher
--Dr. Wayne Dyer

Through morning prayers and meditation, we embark upon the day
spiritually prepared. Without this preparation, we enter the
day with yesterday's anxieties - our own and those of millions
of others.
--Marianne Williamson

Rarely is meditation free from thought. Long-time meditators
have thoughts. Meditation is full of distractions and surprises,
just as life is full of distractions and surprises.

As we learn to let our thoughts be as they are in meditation,
we learn to let life be what it is when we are not meditating.
The easier that we can accept our thoughts the easier we learn
to accept what comes up in life.Being gentle with ourselves in
meditation gives us practice with being gentle with ourselves
all day.

Today I know that I am doing the best that I can and will be
gentle with myself. I will watch what comes without struggle
and will accept what is and adjust myself to it, rather than
wanting it to be different that it is.
--Ruth Fishel, TIME FOR JOY, p.50.

In meditation, I can contact one level of reality and experience
it without boundaries. I can see myself as pure, silent awareness.
--Deepak Chopra

Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious
contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge
of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
--Eleventh Step, Alcoholics Anonymous

#7 Removal
To be removed from further mailings, reply to this eZine
with the subject "Remove".

Looking Forward to Meeting Again Soon!
Remember "The same light shines through many windows"
-- My friend Phil.

"Practice random deeds of kindness,
and senseless acts of beauty.

Jeff Staniforth


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Closing Comments ~ Feedback

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