

Hello Success-Seeker,

Thank you for subscribing to the "Affirmations For The Mind" Free Newsletter!

In this issue...

1. The Affirmation Series - "You and Your Higher Self"
2. Seek Friends Who Challenge You
3. This Week's Quotes (Oneness)

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-- Chris.

#1 The Affirmation Series - "You and Your Higher Self"
Each issue of the Affirming Life eZine will offer a selection of affirmations.

I am sure we can all relate to the following...

... You've had an awful day, nothing seems to have gone right, and you just want to curl up and disappear.

Q. What can we do in situations like this?

A. You can bug the life out of your higher self.

In truth your higher self is always looking over you, wanting to help you. But, we can get so caught up in this three-dimensional plane that we can lose all awareness of anything outside of ourselves.

So how do we become aware of our higher self?

First, you make the following statement of intension.

"All I have to do to be one with my higher self is to think of my higher self and desire the connection be strengthened."

Then repeat the following affirmation about 12 times.

"I am now thinking of my higher self and I desire the connection be strengthen.

Repeat this affirmation about 12 times and then simply carry on with what you were doing. If after 5 minutes you don't feel a connection, or some lightness, repeat again and again and again if necessary. (Persistence always pays off)

If I need help with something, or just want to feel connected, I will continue with this affirmation all day if necessary. Though I normally get a connection quite quickly.

Now I guarantee, if you persist with this practice you will get results, (it has never let me down).

At first you may get a feeling of connection or a strong messages coming through. Just go with what comes up for you.

After you have a feeling of connection you might like to follow up with some support affirmations.

"I now have a clear and open connection with my higher self"
"My higher self is now guiding me in everything I do"

Spend at least five minutes repeating these affirmations each day.

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#2 Seek Friends Who Challenge You
The Talmud tells the story of Rebbi Yochanan, a great scholar who had a study partner named Reish Lakish. (Before becoming a rabbi, Reish Lakish was a bandit. But that's another story...) These two men studied together for many years, until one day Reish Lakish got sick and died. Rebbe Yochanan was seen walking in the street, totally depressed. His students asked him, "What's wrong?" He said, "My study partner died and now I have none." They told him, "Don't worry Rebbi, we'll take care of it." So they went and found a brilliant young man to study with Rebbe Yochanan.

Two weeks later, Rebbi Yochanan is seen walking in the street again, totally depressed. They asked: "Rebbi, what happened? Why are you so sad? We sent you the most brilliant study partner. What's the problem?"

He told them: "My new study partner is so brilliant that whatever I say, he brings 24 proofs that I'm correct. But when I studied with Reish Lakish, he showed me 24 proofs that I was wrong. That's what I miss. I don't want someone who will just agree with me; I want a partner who will challenge my position. In this way we will arrive at the truth together."

A good challenge - is that what friends are for? YES! The Sages say: "Better the criticism of a friend, than the kiss of an enemy."

Your friend will tell you when you have spinach stuck in your teeth; your enemy will smirk and say you look great! The Torah speaks of Dikduk Chaverim, which literally means fine-tuning with friends. With this attitude, I see others not as adversaries, but as a welcome counterbalance to my own perspective. In choosing my friends, I want someone who will challenge me to become better in life, not just better on the tennis court.

--Author Unknown

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#3 This Week's Quotes (Oneness)
We are inseparably connected, as patterns of intelligence, with everything else. And the more intimately we are connected, the more wholeness we can experience.
--Deepak Chopra

In the world of bodies, we are all separate. In the world of spirit, we are all one.
--Marianne Williamson

All sprang from the One. All returns to the One. You and I are of the One, and will all dissolve back into the One.
--Thom Hartmann

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This article was published by Jeff Staniforth, Australia’s Leading Motivational and Self-help Expert. To subscribe to the FREE “Affirmations For The Mind” Weekly Newsletter go to:


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