

"Affirmation Course" - Lesson #1

Hello - Fellow Success Seeker,

To your Affirmation Course
From AffirmWare

This issue includes...

1. "Introduction"
2. "Positive Outcomes"
3. "How Affirmations Work"
4. "Energy and The Universe"
5. "Sample Affirmation"
6. "Correct Elements"
7. "Free eBook "As A Man Thinketh" by James Allen
8. "7 Part Affirmation Course" eBook
9. "Tell Us What You Think"


My name is Jeff and I'm delighted to share "The Affirmation
Course" with you! Your course content will be focusing on
Affirmations, Visualization, How to create your desired
reality and how to get there from here. Sound like fun?

I can tell you from experience, that affirmations are fun...
especially when you don't have to make a "chore" out of them.

Over the coming weeks you'll receive regular updates to the
course, and we invite you to take time from your busy life to
treat yourself to a regular "Affirmation Practice". Have fun.
Put affirmations to work in your life. Heads-up! Your
experience with "The Affirmation Course" will be like no

>>Housekeeping >>
You are receiving this email because you:

1. Registered for the "7 Part Affirmation Course"
2. Requested FREE sample affirmations
3. Entered the FREE Sculptor raffle

Note: by signing up for this course, you have been automatically
enrolled in the FREE "Sculptor Raffle". You will receive the
results when the drawing has taken place.

We are evaluating a new service for distribution of this
"Affirmation Course". Because we employ the try-before-you-buy
option, there is third party advertising on the top of each
email. Upon satisfactory evaluation, we will upgrade to the
full service, that does not employ advertising.

Throughout this course we use the term God, to depict a spiritual
source. Where we use the term God, you may substitute for either:
Krishna, Christ Consciousness, Buddha, Higher Self, I Am, Cosmic
Intelligence, Nature, Spirit, or any other name you feel
comfortable with.

We recommend setting up a special folder in your email program
for your "Affirmation Course" files. This makes it easy for you
to find things and refer back to them as needed.

You may also want to use a 3-ring binder, print your course and
save the pages in the binder.

Many of the techniques presented in this course have been sourced
from the Sculptor Affirmation software package. For more details
see ( Where possible we have
faithfully transcribed the computerized techniques to the manual

To unsubscribe at any time, see unsubscribe details located at
the end of each message.

You will receive each issue of the
affirmations course on the following schedule:

1st issue: Instantly
2nd issue: 1 day later
3rd & 4th issues: 2 days apart
Three remaining issues: Weekly intervals

O.K.. so lets get on with the course.


ˇShaping your reality through positive self talk

ˇAn inspirational practice for lifting your spirits

ˇThe ability to connect with your inner guidance

ˇImproved health


Affirmation are based on the following principles

1. Your present reality is a direct result of your present thinking

2. Change your thinking, and your reality changes

3. Affirmations change your thinking


Before we get into the "how to" of affirmations, it will be helpful
to understand how the universe operates as an energy system, in
relation to affirmations and the thought process.

Metaphysicians and many people in the scientific world are now in
some agreement over the composition of our universe, seeing it as
a field of energy; a force field.

On one level we perceive the many manifestations of form and
differentiate between them without seeing the underlying field
common to them all. Seeing solidity of form (e.g. diamond, gold,
etc.) at one end of the spectrum, and thought and color towards
the other. In fact they differ only in their rate of vibration
i.e. the frequency at which they exist.

The denser the material the lower its vibratory rate or frequency.
Conversely, finer forms, i.e. colors and thoughts are examples of
successively higher rates of vibration.

A thought or idea always precedes form. For example, a building is
first conceived in the mind of the architect. A manifestation at
this frequency is more easily changed than at lower rates of
vibration, i.e. a solid mass.

By consciously directing our thoughts we become an architect able
to shape thought into the desired form. Affirmations provide us
with powerful tools, which we can use in this process.

Thoughts and feelings have certain vibratory rates about them, which
will attract thoughts of a similar wavelength. As an example; you
might have been thinking about someone and shortly thereafter
receive a phone call from that person. The energy of your thoughts
has attracted a reciprocal wavelength.

By holding positive thoughts of a loving nature we will attract
into our lives people and events to support our positive expectations.
Affirmations are an excellent way to enhance this process.

This is clearly illustrated in the biblical advice " you sow,
so shall you reap". When we make a conscious practice of this in
a positive manner we will reap a harvest of like quality.


Each issue of the Affirmation course will contain a selection of

Today's affirmations are in the area of

* I love myself as well as others.
* What I put out comes back.
* Love is coming to me easily and effortlessly.
* I have a clear image of what I want in a relationship.
* I am now ready for a relationship
* I am attracting loving relationships into my life.
* I give and receive love.
* I am a radiant being filled with light and love.
* I deserve love.
* I now believe that relationships can be joyful and fun.
* I am open to receive loving relationships.
* I open up to others. I give and receive love.
* I risk myself in love. I allow myself to be vulnerable.
* The more I give to others, the more capacity I have to receive.
* I am ready to receive sexual fulfillment.
* As my self-love increases so does my love for (________).
* I project love.
* My relationships with (_______) is blossoming.
* I transmit sexual and loving energy.


To obtain maximum results from affirmations, it is best to observe
certain guidelines; this "Correct Elements" guide outlines a course
that will ensure you achieve maximum results.

Present Tense
Affirmations are more effective when they are stated in the present
tense. For example; "I now have a wonderful job." Avoid affirming
something in the future tense, e.g. "I am going to have a wonderful
job" or the results will always be waiting to happen.

Create affirmations in the most positive terms that you can. Avoid
negative statements. Affirm what you do want, rather than what you
do not want. For example; "I don't want to smoke." This is a negative
statement. Rather affirm; "I now enjoy being a non-smoker." This
statement is much more powerful as it is positive and reinforces
your desired goal.

Short & specific
Short affirmations are easy to say, and have a far greater impact
at a subconscious level, than those which are long and wordy.
Keeping them specific and to the point adds power as the idea is
uncluttered by extraneous elements. E.g. "I am concise." Vs. "I
endeavor to be less wordy."

The importance of repetition cannot be overemphasized. It imprints
the affirmations into your subconscious mind.

Get involved, be passionate, and use your emotions. Think carefully
about the meaning of the words as you repeat them rather than typing
or saying them in "parrot fashion".

Persistence achieves results much sooner than practicing affirmations
periodically. Successive sessions will have a compounding effect.

You don't necessarily have to believe your affirmations initially.
Belief will grow with your forthcoming successes.

Impress yourself
Personalize your affirmations, they must feel right to you. The
stronger the feeling an affirmation conveys, the deeper the
impression it makes on your mind, and the sooner you will
experience positive results.
#7 As A Man Thinketh by James Allen
 Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
'As A Man Thinketh' is partly responsible for the creation of the
entire personal development industry. Most contemporary personal
development authors and teachers credit this little book for
providing foundation to their principles.

It is a set of philosophical musings on the power of our thoughts.
Earl Nightingale, widely regarded as the father of modern day
personal development, in his best-selling recording, called the
ideas in this book, "The Strangest Secret". The secret, he said,
is "we become what we think about".

To download your free eBooks
Go to:

More that 10,000,000 readers have made "Think And Grow Rich" one of
the best, all time metaphysical best sellers.
Go to:

#8 "7 Part Affirmation Course" eBook

I have received many requests for an eBook version of the "7 Part
Affirmation Course". So, for your convenience I have compiled a
fully illustrated, eBook version.

The eBook was created with eBook-Pro compiler and it enables the
user to read all of the course off line. Also no waiting, you get
to download it instantly after you order.

The cost of the eBook is $19.50. You get the convenience of having
all the course in one easy-to-read format. To order now
Go to:

Note, we are giving this eBook away as a FREE bonus when you
purchase the Sculptor affirmation program.


To tell us what you think:
We would love to hear what you think of the "Affirmation Course".
Send an email to

Also, I invite you to try the "Sculptor Affirmation Software"
program. It's easy. And it doesn't take long, just 10 minutes a
day of positive affirmations can counter years of negative mental

You will receive something that is far
greater than the few dollars you have invested in yourself. You will
have a priceless gift.

To find out more go to:

However you choose to do your Affirmation, please choose to do
them. We'd like to see you succeed!

Final Heads-Up >> Be prepared to have some fun with affirmations, and
to begin to look at your life differently than you have in the past.
It's time to connect-the-dots for you, and enjoy the life you've
always wanted.

(Your next issue of "The Affirmation Course" will be delivered to
your e-mail inbox within 24 hours. If at any time you wish to be
removed, simply click on the removal instructions at the bottom
of the e-mail).

Cheers to you, Jeff
Copyright © 2002 by

Written by Jeff Staniforth - AffirmWare Australia
Need Motivation? Visit
Jeff Staniforth e-mail


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