

"Affirmation Course" - Lesson #2

Hello - Fellow Success Seeker,

It's Jeff here, with your second issue of "The Affirmation
Course". Today we're going to talk about "The Mind", "The
Affirmation Practice", and get into the actual practice of
affirmations! So take an "affirmation pause" and enjoy!

This issue includes...

1. "Affirmations and The Mind"
2. "Sample Affirmations"
3. "The Affirmation Practice"
4. "Writing Affirmations"
5. "The Essence"
6. "This or something better"
7. "Tell a Friend"
8. "The Sculptor Press Release"
9. "Tell Us What You Think"

You have the power to create whatever you want in your life. This
power is within you and can be released through the practice of

Put affirmations to work in your life, NOW!

"What's this affirmation stuff?"
Aha! Glad you asked!


One of the most important things we possess is the mind. Look after
the mind and there is nothing you can't accomplish. Affirmations
are a powerful way of working with the mind to create what we

The benefits you can expect from working with affirmations are
based entirely on individual desires.

"How do I Practice Affirmations?"

· Write affirmations down on paper
· Carry out an inner dialog
· Rehearse a future scenario
· Sing or chant affirmations
· Record them on a tape player and use the playback feature
· Have a partner repeat them to you
· And of course, via your computer keyboard using the Sculptor Program.
For order information go to:


Today's affirmation category is
Affirmations for Health:

· My connection to the universe is pure love.
· Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.
· I have all the energy required for my needs.
· The light within me is healing my entire body.
· I am one with the universe. I am healing now.
· Divine light flows through every cell of my body.
· I am a radiant being filled with light and love.
· I radiate love to everyone I meet.
· I sleep relaxed and awake refreshed.
· My connection to the universe is my energy source.
· I give and receive love easily and effortlessly.
· I am bathed in radiant light.
· I have the power to control my health.
· I am in control of my health and well being.
· I have abundant energy, vitality and well being.
· I am healthy in all areas of my life.
· I am always able to maintain my ideal weight.
· I am calm, my mind is at peace.
· I love and care for my body.
· I am perfect just the way I am.


Creating your Affirmation
Establish in your mind the specific area in which you most want
to improve or which goal you most desire attaining.

We advise setting aside a special time each day for your session.
Either first thing in the morning or just prior to going to bed,
whenever is convenient for you. Each session should last around
10 to 15 minutes.

The major benefit of the evening session is that you will continue
your affirmation during your sleeping state. That is, the thought
process established during your session will continue to operate
on a subconscious level during sleep.

In the morning when you awaken refreshed, your mind is more
receptive to positive thought patterns and better able to
concentrate and receive new stimuli. This also will also establish
a positive mental theme for the day.

There are many broad areas in which affirmations may be used. Some
areas are self-esteem, love and relationships, creative
self-expression, work/vocation, prosperity, health and spiritual

It is suggested that your affirmations encompass a cross section of
the above areas to create a balance. Striving to attain prosperity
only, could leave you in poor health with relationships suffering.
This is an imbalance.

Plan of Action:
Affirmations should also lead to a 'Plan of Action'. This means
don't just sit there - do something! Regardless of your goal, by
taking the first step towards it you are already one step closer
to its attainment, and with each step it gets closer.

> Helpful Resource <
written by Gary Ryan Blair

1.Write It Down
Goals are specific, measurable, and time-bounded. Write your goals
so that they reflect all three components.

2.List Your Personal Benefits
Identify exactly "Why" you want to achieve this goal. List all the
ways you will you benefit personally.
3.Analyze Your Current Position
Success is information dependent. You need integrity in your
information. Identify exactly your specific strengths, weaknesses,
and opportunities as it relates to achieving this goal.

4.Identify Obstacles and Risks
List everything that could possibly prevent you from achieving this
5.Identify Investments and Sacrifices
List everything, including time, money, and sacrifices that you can
6.Knowledge Requirements
Identify what additional knowledge you need to acquire or have
access to.

7.Support Team
List the people, groups, and organizations you may need help from as
well as the specific role each one plays.

8.Develop Your Plan
List in chronological order each activity and their corresponding
target dates for completion. Use all the information gathered in
previous steps to develop your plan.

9.Set a Deadline
Determine on what date you will achieve this goal.

10.Reward and Celebrate
Identify your reward for the achievement of this goal. You deserve it!

About the Author
Gary Ryan Blair is "The GoalsGuy" a nationally recognized authority
on goal setting and personal strategic planning. Through his speeches
and books he teaches people how to set goals and design strategies
for the creation of a meaningful life and legacy.

Gary has introduced a new program called 'My Goals'.
To get info, visit

When you've completed My Goals you'll have a complete life
plan that includes:
* Your Personal Philosophy
* Legacy Statement
* Personal Mission Statement
* Identification of Core Values
* Personal Code of Ethics
* Lifetime Objectives
* 2002 Goals and 5-10 Year Goals
* Your Personal Board of Directors
* A Plan for Maintenance and Performance Check Up

To get complete details on his program, visit

If you want your BEST YEAR EVER, get this GREAT TOOL today!

See why best-selling author Burke Hedges said, "It is the absolute
best training on goal setting that I have ever heard."

TEN STEPS to ACHIEVE EVERY GOAL - Used with Permission
by Gary Ryan Blair -


For your affirmation practice:
Take an A4 sheet of paper, and fold it down the middle. Title the
left hand column "My Affirmations", and the right-hand column
"My Responses".

Begin by writing your affirmation in the left-hand column. As you
write, put all your attention into the practice (focus, and think
about the affirmation), we want to really impress upon the
subconscious your intent to have this thing come about.

As you continue writing your affirmation, some resistance will most
likely arise, record the details of this resistance in the right-hand

For example, if you have been affirming, "Money come to me easily
and effortlessly" you may find yourself repeating, "Don't talk
crap, just look at my bank account". Record this dialog in the
"My Response" column.

Then return to writing your affirmation. Continue in this way until
you have completed at least 24 repetitions, or, 10-15 minutes has

It is a good idea to acknowledge your subconscious for revealing
these resistances to you; a simple THANK YOU voiced after recording
these resistances would work fine. This will help to establish a
relationship between your conscious and subconscious mind.

Don't be concerned with the content of your responses, initially.
Rather, be in a free flowing creative state. We will discuss
analyzing your responses in a future issue.

Our main objective in using affirmations is two-fold:

1. Through the act of repetition and focused feelings to implant
the affirmation into the subconscious mind.

2. To release resistance from the subconscious mind.

Note: It is quite natural to have resistance towards a new
affirmation, we are affirming something that is not true (initially).
If you already believed your affirmation to be true... it would
already be in your life.

Sometimes at the start of an affirmation practice you may find
yourself in total agreement with your affirmation. Just go along
with what ever happens, have faith that it is working in a way that
is right for you.

You Will Always Get Results
When practicing affirmations, the result may not come in the way
you expect, but you will get results. As an example, Jenny has
been affirming for a new car. Jenny has become discouraged with
her affirmation practice because the car has not shown up.
However, she does seem to be getting an unusual amount of friends
coming to visit.

Look for the Essence
In our car example, if Jenny looked at the essence of why she wanted
the new car, a whole new picture becomes available.

For Jenny, the essence of the new car was that she wanted to be able
to visit friends. She was feeling lonely and believed having a new
car would enable her to become more social.

The subconscious knowing this, decided to give Jenny what she really
wanted, not what she thought she wanted. Always look for the essence
of what you want, this is what you will get.

Say the above statement to yourself after you finish writing each

What is the meaning of this statement?

This leaves the way open for something even better (than what we
have been affirming) since our Higher Self wants only our greatest
good. It will come about in harmonious and satisfying ways, and
this will ONLY work for the good of all concerned. And remember,
even with our human limitations the universe is capable of infinite

In our previous example of Jenny affirming a new car, her Higher
Self might have gone one better and sent new friends into Jenny's
If you have been affirming a new job, our sometimes, limited
thinking may have restricted our job searching activities like
newspapers and a network of a select group of friends. Our Higher
Self being far more creative can send us potential job offers in an
unlimited number of ways. The idea is to be open to what is coming
into your life, this also creates an expectancy of the greater good.

This leads us to another principal of affirmations.
Be open to the unexpected. When working with affirmations, all
previous conventional methods of reaching your goals go out the
window. Note that you still need to tune in and do the leg work.

We are working with a divine/invisible power, and things WILL happen
that you can't explain. This is what I mean when I say affirmations
are FUN!

Get rid of how you think things will happen, this can prevent you
from receiving. Be open and have fun, welcome the unexpected, tune
in, and be spontaneous.

"Let miracles happen"
Give yourself a HUG!


Are you enjoying this course?

Simply refer at least one person to the "7 Part Affirmation
Course" - AffirmWare site, and we'll send you a free eBook,
"Prosperity" by Charles Fillmore.

"When we think about the love of God drawing to us the substance
necessary for support and supply, that substance begins to accumulate
all around us, and as we abide in the consciousness of it, it begins
to manifest itself in all our affairs." - "Prosperity" by Charles

We have set-up a "Tell A Friend" page for you to inform friends about
this course.
Go to:


For your interest, we are including a copy of the "Sculptor Affirmation
Software" press release. This computerized affirmation program is the
perfect companion for this course.

A revolution in computerized affirmations.

By following the simple 12-Day Plan you will be shown how to create
effective affirmations which will enable you to:

· Set goals and attain them.
· Improve self-esteem and confidence.
· Attain radiant health.
· Attract loving relationships.
· Create your ideal self-image.
· Become magnetic to your desires.
· Tap into your creativity.
· Improve memory skills.
· Discover your inner happiness.
· Create powerful inner beliefs.

An affirmation is a positive statement, used to reprogram your
subconscious. A statement when said to your self, over and over,
and with feeling, influences your internal forces and manifest
change in your life.

For thousands of years affirmations have been used by diverse
cultures and their intrinsic worth is well recognized.

Sculptor Affirmation Software utilizes proven Affirmation and
Visualization techniques in one easy to use PC based computer software
package. Together powerful techniques of affirmations and visualization
have been combined with subliminal messages, audio and visual
triggers, subconscious imagery and story telling.

The software is based on an easy to follow 12-Day Plan, which,
once commenced, will bring positive changes to your life almost
immediately. Sculptor will take you step by step through your own
personalized 12-Day Plan.

You are shown how to create powerful affirmations. On day one you
will be asked to type in your affirmation, then a response to your
affirmation. While this is taking place subliminal messages are
displayed. Power symbols, meaningful to the individual, can be
selected for display along with the affirmation. Illustrations
with relevant stories are also used in the Sculptor program
to convey powerful messages to your subconscious.

A Sentence Completion module for highlighting and releasing

An automatic mode, useful for situations where you are involved
with other tasks.

A response database that lets you review the responses you have
entered during your affirmation session.

A visual aid mode that helps you to improve your visualization

Easy to use installation program.

44 subliminal messages (all transcribed in the manual).

Illustrations with relevant stories, one for each day of the
12-day plan.

Incorporates Mind Mapping techniques.

20 Power / Trigger symbols.

The Sculptor package includes separate HIS and HER libraries; a
setup program for defining your affirmation, affirmation speed,
colors, symbols, illustrations, fonts, libraries, and much more.
Also included is an easy to follow User's Guide which teaches you
all you need to know to create affective affirmations, as well as
a tutorial showing you how to use the Sculptor Affirmation Software.

We have a special deal running this month.

With our no risk guarantee you have nothing to lose. If it doesn't
work for you, you can just cancel your order. Because the software
is downloaded via the Internet, you don't even have anything to
return. Just email us and say you want to cancel your money back.
No reason, no risk. To order your copy of Sculptor today click on
the following link:


To tell us what you think:

We would love to hear what you think of the "Affirmation Course".
Send an email to

Your next issue of the affirmation course will arrive in your inbox, in
about 2 days. In the meantime, give yourself a treat and start putting
affirmations to work for you!

Looking forward to meeting again soon!

See you next time,
Copyright © 2002 by

Written by Jeff Staniforth - AffirmWare Australia
Need Motivation? Visit
Jeff Staniforth e-mail


“Give me just 10-minutes a day and I will show you how to live the life of your dreams.” Guaranteed...

Sculptor 3 integrates “7 Proven, Powerful and Effective” technologies to create the most amazing reality creation program ever conceived.

So... while you sit in front of your computer for just 10 minutes a day, you will be using 7 effective disciplines that have been combined to produce incredible results.



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It can bring you years of good fortune... make you very, very wealthy... broaden your circle of friends... and put people in awe of you... 100% Guaranteed.


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Warning: Please do not use the information supplied by AffirmWare to diagnose, treat, any health problem or disease. If you suspect that you have a medical complaint please consult your health care professional.

Copyright © 2000 - 2010 AffirmWare - All Rights Reserved. Any questions you may have regarding the above copyright statement can be directed to AffirmWare Pty Ltd. AffirmWare Pty Ltd may contain links to sites on the Internet, which are owned and operated by third parties. You acknowledge that AffirmWare Pty Ltd is not responsible the content located on these Site.